Recent content by Gir

  1. G

    Applications of Vast Amounts of Electricity?

    the only problem would be stopping said ship on the other end of the trip.
  2. G

    Brian Greene: "The Past is as Real as the Present

    all you're really doing is calling time by another name.
  3. G

    Brian Greene: "The Past is as Real as the Present

    it's all symantics for crying out loud! just because it's not tangable, time does progress. it's only with a very narrow view of the universe and it's properties could time possibly not exist. our clocks do not measure spacific time, they're simply a device to give us a general idea of how much...
  4. G

    Brian Greene: "The Past is as Real as the Present

    simply because we cannot see something with our eyes does not mean it isn't there. I think insted of arguing about the existence or non-existance of time, we should all come up with some common definition of time. this argument is going nowhere because we all have a different understanding what...
  5. G

    Brian Greene: "The Past is as Real as the Present

    you sir have the mind of a nat, that is all.
  6. G

    Don't Understand Why I See Moving Pencils

    yes there's a delay, but there's also the problem of your eyes only being able to see about 60 frames per second, anything moving faster than that gives us a false perspective.
  7. G

    Brian Greene: "The Past is as Real as the Present

    Im not sure if you noticed, but the reasons you stated for science being like faith is ignoring scientific method. a big part of that is being impartial. although as with the media, SOME jump to wild conclusions before having an understanding of what they're really looking for.
  8. G

    Brian Greene: "The Past is as Real as the Present

    yes, that's right. just because we cannot at this point explain exactly what causes us to experience time it must not exist. give me a break. time must exist in some sense or we couldn't be having this conversation right now. time definatly progresses as we each type and in turn wait for a...
  9. G

    Can an Electromagnetic Pulse Destroy Modern Civilization?

    that isn't how emps work.
  10. G

    Why Does Moon's Gravitational Force Overcome Earth's?

    think of it like this, the moon doesn't actually cause the water levels to go up and down, it causes more of a sloshing effect with the ocean.
  11. G

    Is the Langevin Twins Paradox Validated by Other Experiments?

    no, clocks are a method of measure, they are not time itself. they make the passage of time but if you sping the hands backwords time doesn't reverse itself. clocks are exactly like a tape measure in that they both measure something. besides which, this is all totally besides the point.
  12. G

    God & Uncertainty Principle: Einstein's Reasoning Explored

    god, if you remove any religious elements to the word, could be anything.
  13. G

    God & Uncertainty Principle: Einstein's Reasoning Explored

    if you talk about free will and god in the same sentence you have to talk about a multiverse. if we really have free will then time can not be on a set path. I am not sure how free will is limiting, Id say without it we're much more limited.
  14. G

    God & Uncertainty Principle: Einstein's Reasoning Explored

    yes, but any being existing outside of our 4 dimensional space-time would, at least to us, seem to be a god. they would be aware of all events that ever happened, past of present and would be able to seemingly travel through time at will. it could perform surgery on you without tools...
  15. G

    Does light have a temperature?

    the light is stimulating atomic movement, so technicly, it is generating heat.