Recent content by govinda

  1. G

    What are vvvdat tables and how can they help with introductory physics homework?

    (i)appreciate the effort, infact i would have saved a lot of time if some1 had explained when momentum is conserved ... why it is conserved . the relationship between momentum conservation ,centre of mass Newtons thrird law and impulses . also solve a few probelms ab initio for example some...
  2. G

    Working out energy change during change of moment of inertia

    theres a standard question about the spinning dancer who pulls her hands inward reducing her moment of inertia and increasing her ang. velocity . it seems she had to do some work against the centrifugal force (from momentum and energy equations) i thought of a simpler example to check if the...
  3. G

    Understanding Acceleration and Velocity in Relation to Gravitational Force

    as u go further away from the Earth surface the gravitaional force will continously reduce .so even if u were to ignore the intial extra force applied there would still be an accelleration whose rate would increase the further u went from the earth
  4. G

    Bring 12V DC Home: An Idea to Reduce Transformer Clutter

    zooby , im sorry still don't understand what's going on with the muscle care 2 elucidate?
  5. G

    Bring 12V DC Home: An Idea to Reduce Transformer Clutter

    integral , i had the same doubt zooby had about the frequency being generally high and therefore not giving u enough time to remove ur hand . isn't it more realistic to consider the average over half a cycle (.707 times the maximum) for each direction? also i didnt quite understand what u...
  6. G

    Bring 12V DC Home: An Idea to Reduce Transformer Clutter

    dave, why is ac safer than dc?
  7. G

    True Explanation of a Lever please.

    krab. is there any formal proof on the conservation of angular momentum ... if so is it complete in itself or based on conservation of energy?
  8. G

    Does Paper Bend in Space with a Constant Force Applied?

    i think the bend will be very small on an atomic level for the same reasons that whoozum attributed but i doubt whether there will be ossilation if the force is constant . if the force is instantaneous then i guess there will be oscillation since elastic forces(?) caused the deformation of the...
  9. G

    Internal forces and centre of mass

    lurch , if you consider the gases from the rocket to be light which i suppose they are their masses can be neglected ,then the coordinates of the projectile can be found with some accuracy . regarding the glass ,suppose the cup broke into 4 pieces 3 of which are at the corners of a square...
  10. G

    Circular Motion: Friction, Centripetal Force & Polygons

    fred, by validated i meant that the theory of frictional force acting inward was validated which i had a problem with accepting initially ...
  11. G

    Circular Motion: Friction, Centripetal Force & Polygons

    nice explanation quasar .. so friction acts linearly .. friction while negotiating the turn can be ignored when the angle is small as the polygon approaches a circle ... also as the turn becomes less the friction opposing linear motion does infact become radially inward (look at the pic and...
  12. G

    Internal forces and centre of mass

    heres another conceptual one . there is a standard yet very elegant problem about a rocket bllowing up mid air and finding the final postions of the parts of the projectile using the principle of centre of mass remaining the same since the forces a re internal when the rocket blows up . now...
  13. G

    Circular Motion: Friction, Centripetal Force & Polygons

    hi guys . i read that friction can be attributed to the centripetal force that causes circular motion . now suppose we consider our circle as a polygon , say an octagon and a bike or car was going along one of the sides of this octagon if i were to negotiate a turn of an angle of 45 degrees...