Recent content by Greg825

  1. G

    Is a game like chess solvable ?

    I suppose it's possible that a heuristic algorithm/database hybrid might constitute a solution to chess as thorough as a complete database, I mean to the point where the game result (white ALWAYS wins/loses/draws) can be known before the game begins, but I see no reason to be sure. I'm not an...
  2. G

    Is a game like chess solvable ?

    Dont know. My intended post was: What I mean by solvable would entail some method of determining all possible outcomes from a single board configuration (most likely with computers). Theoretically this would result in only one possible outcome from the beginning of the game (white wins...
  3. G

    Electromagnetism without any finger

    I think you're right, they should be avoidable, but are the physical reasons behind why a current creates a magnetic field at all really understood (let alone why it occurs in whichever direction)? I mean similarly to gravity, which is modeled very well, but not really explained. But maybe...
  4. G

    Why does gravity cancel out for all points inside a sphere?

    I doubt it. I don't know enough 3-d math to prove it but just doing a mental expiriment... If gravity obeyed, say, an inverse r^10 law, it seems to me that being very near the edge of the sphere would create a (relatively) huge gravitational force toward that part of the sphere, while the points...
  5. G

    Electromagnetism without any finger

    I usually imagine myself facing the plane of interest, and clockwise rotation in that plane results in going forward through the plane, counterclocwise results in coming out, and vice versa ... sort of like how a clock would turn clockwise if you went forward in time and counterclockwise if you...
  6. G

    Electrical induction due to changing magnetic fields

    thanks for the response. I need to better understand Faraday's law of induction and its relations specifically to current before I can fully understand your response.
  7. G

    Can Objects with Zero Mass Move Without an Applied Force?

    It wouldn't be an "object" would it? It'd be free (n-dimensional?) space I think.
  8. G

    Electrical induction due to changing magnetic fields

    I'm trying to understand why, when, in a solenoid for example, electrical current is magnetically induced, doesn't the newly created magnetic field due to current "cancel out" the effects of the original changing magnetic field. One person I asked suggested resistance, and this sounds completely...
  9. G

    How many songs do you know?

    This reminds me that the IB Physics teacher at my high school has his students perform something (maybe exactly) like" to random classes every year.
  10. G

    WOW - Retiring at 100, Full of Life's Lessons

    I don't think anyone who has posted so far knows enough about his motives and exactly what he did with his time to be making these kinds of judgements. Saying that he wasted his life because of the position he held or how many promotions he received or how much money he earned borders on...
  11. G

    Is Firefox really better than IE?

    Is there any information comparing IE to FF in terms of efficiency in network transfer rate and displaying stuff on the screen? My past experience with FF seemed to be slower than ie, and since things weren't being displayed simultaneously objects would jump around as slow sites loaded part by...
  12. G

    Counting Game - A Fun Forum Word Game

    =27 does it not? quick, change it to e^2! ------------------------------ xth prime where x is the nth prime where n is the first prime raised to the first prime.
  13. G

    Who gets the biggest piece of pig on the deserted island?

    If they were interested in maximizing their chance of survival it seems to me they ought to distribute it according to weight or according to expected energy output (most physical labor). I would also consider this to be the most "fair" or "moral" solution. Would they care (or think about)...
  14. G

    Solve Chess Brain Teaser: White Mates in How Many Moves?

    I'm not good with chess notation but white can move his g knight to checkmate on white's third move. Black will have a queen right befor that but it won't do any good. (still on the 8th rank (or 1st?))
  15. G

    Solve Chess Brain Teaser: White Mates in How Many Moves?

    It looks to me like there isn't enough time. White can mate in 3 moves unless black defends with another knight move giving black only 2 moves. He can get a queen but can't move it anywhere in time.