Recent content by h0dgey84bc

  1. H

    Mass of field for small fluctuations

    Hi, If I have a Lagrangian that looks like L=-\frac{1}{2} \partial^a{\phi}\partial_a{\phi}-\frac{1}{2} \mu \phi^2 -\frac{1}{24}\lambda \phi^4 . Where \lambda>0 Then how do I figure out the mass for small fluctuations about \phi=0 ? I don't think I really understand what it means...
  2. H

    Programs Cosmology PhD in oxbridge - what are my chances?

    Yeah, only DAMTP req part III, so you have as much chance of getting into the Cam Astro group as say, the Ox Astro group..
  3. H

    Schools Final University Choice UK : Manchester Or Nottingham

    I actually think for the subjects you mentioned (String Theory, QG etc) Nottingham is better ( They have a strong QG group in the maths dept, something that Manchester isn't so strong on, since the HEP-th there is mostly focussed on phenomenology.
  4. H

    Programs PhD in Experimental Particle Physics: Oxford, Imperial or Edinburgh?

    Oh yeah, that was your original question, haha... Well in terms of reputation theyre all great universities, conventionally the order is obviously Oxford>Imperial>Edinburgh>Sheffield. But it depends on what you think of the individual groups, are they all working on experiments that interest...
  5. H

    Programs PhD in Experimental Particle Physics: Oxford, Imperial or Edinburgh?

    Even though I'm from the UK and am about to start a US PhD in HEP theory, I don't think this is really true. From what I gather the first two years of a US PhD are mostly spent doing teaching (something that isn't mandatory for UK PhD students to do, and def not 20hrs a week worth more like 2 if...
  6. H

    How Can Sam Reach MIT for Electronics/Computer Sciences?

    If he is just past GCSE's the OP must be around 15-16, he said he only learned C at 14. So he has learned C and built a 200k company in just over a year? I can't help but doubt this
  7. H

    Is the Quality of Education Dependent on the School's Name?

    I personally think the education level is about the same, my experience is UK but having compared the courses and content I studied to that of Cambridge/Oxford syllabus I feel like what I was taught was comparable. (I think this may be different if you go to a really really low calibre school...
  8. H

    Graduate School for HEP: What to Do?

    I don't know about the prospects from that field specifically. My take is basically that there are some fields of Physics like CM, Medical Physics, even Nuclear, that will give you direct skills for a career, were in that career you will require a PhD level knowledge of the field you did your...
  9. H

    Graduate School for HEP: What to Do?

    I will be starting HEP-th PhD in a few months, without doubt the attraction is the fundamental nature of the subject, it is true however that there is an element of seduction from pop science books glamourising the subject (nearly every pop sci book is about string theory/QG these days)...
  10. H

    Deadline for EPSRC Grants: Know Your Timeframe

    Hi, Is there a deadline that EPSRC grants must be awarded by, I'm still waiting to hear back from a number of UK PhD places, and just wondering if there is a fixed time they must accept by? (i.e. like most US gradschools must accept/decline by mid April) Thanks
  11. H

    Top MSc Physics Programs in UK for Condensed Matter: Oxford vs. Durham?

    Depends what type of Physics you're interested in, but to my knowledge Part III and the Imperial MSc are the best for theoretical/Mathematical physics, with Durham also having a good Stringy/HEP Theory Masters. Whats the Oxford Masters like? I've never heard of it
  12. H

    Schools MS Courses in the U.S for British Students - Good Universities

    As Office_Shredder said, funding might be a big issue for you, getting funding for a PhD over there is pretty much guaranteed after acceptance, and normally works out that you get TA'ship for the first 2 years (at like 20hrs a week of teaching, which is quite scary in itself), then RA'ship for...
  13. H

    Schools MS Courses in the U.S for British Students - Good Universities

    I'm from the UK too, so may not be the best person to answer this, but I have been looking for a PhD in the US, and I get the feeling the US unis are not so big on Physics Masters, it seems US students just do their four year Bachelors (which is about equivalent to a 3 year UK Bsc, due to the...
  14. H

    Courses Theoretical Physics MSc courses

    How do people fund the Imperial MSc, has the deadline for Fall '09 passed to apply for here?
  15. H

    Programs Applying to Study Physics at Oxford: Interviews or Paper-based Decisions?

    bugger, admin told me at this stage there are just 18 people (who haven't been reviewed) all of which would only be considered for unfunded places :(. How can you do an unfunded PhD anyway?? alas