Recent content by hadi amiri 4

  1. H

    Exploring LSB of Each Byte in a 24-Bit Picture

    what is wrong with this code? typedef unsigned long DWORD; typedef unsigned short WORD; typedef struct { int Signature; DWORD Size; DWORD Reserved; DWORD BitsOffset; } BITMAP_FILEHEADER; typedef struct { DWORD HeaderSize; DWORD Width; DWORD Height; WORD Planes...
  2. H

    Exploring LSB of Each Byte in a 24-Bit Picture

    Thank you Borek for this piece of code.i will go to implement it to what i want.and don't worry i will not bombard you with questions until i read it (the codes)carefully and check my courses stuff.but be ready !
  3. H

    Exploring LSB of Each Byte in a 24-Bit Picture

    Dear Borek Can you translate the last sentence into C language i would be very thankful:blushing:
  4. H

    Exploring LSB of Each Byte in a 24-Bit Picture

    in page" at the bottom ther is a table which draws the contents of the a 2x2 bmp pictures the are in 0x :42 4D 46 00 00 00 00 00 36 00 ...00 FF 00 00 00 so they are separate numbers stored in bytes,and if i (for example) want to modify the LSB of...
  5. H

    Exploring LSB of Each Byte in a 24-Bit Picture

    I know the internal structure of .bmp and i know that it is made of headers which contains information about the .bmp like width,height ,bitdepth. but my problem is that how to open it into my program .i have seen lots of codes on the internet that are named for example "bitmaploader" or thing...
  6. H

    Exploring LSB of Each Byte in a 24-Bit Picture

    Hello every body : i am very new to programming ,i am trying to write a programme that will work on the LSB of each byte in a 24 bit picture. now my question is how to treat a .bmp file ,i mean can i consider it as an array of integers with leth (for example)800x600. and start to changing the...
  7. H

    The Next Step in Learning C Programming: Suggestions & Resources

    Hello every body! I have read "The C Programming Language" and i want to know if i want to go further what is the next book you suggest?
  8. H

    C# Can anyone explain what this c# code does or give a C equalivent?

    These two functions are used for empadding and extracting the bits from a byte ,they are used for steganography with LSB method in 24-bit .bmp pics,i just wanted to kmow that how they work ,i mean with some examples.can anyone help?:biggrin:
  9. H

    C# Can anyone explain what this c# code does or give a C equalivent?

    C# vs c ! Hello every body! can anyone explain what this c# code does or give a C equalivent? public static void Replace(ref byte b, int pos, byte value) { b = (byte) (value == 1 ? b | (1 << pos) : b & ~(1 << pos)); } public static byte...
  10. H

    How Can You Solve This Challenging Integral Evaluation Problem?

    your solution seems nice honestly i thought it is a hard one,becouse i picked it form "A coures of pure mathematics"
  11. H

    How Can You Solve This Challenging Integral Evaluation Problem?

    Evaluate \int\frac{arctan(x)dx}{(1+x^2)^\frac{3}{2}}
  12. H

    Program that can steganograph a picture (BMP)?

    a 24 bit pticture uses 3 bytes for a pixel like this(11111111,11111111,11111111) but a 8 bit picture uses a byte for showing a pixel like this (11111111) the question is that in 24 bit pics first 8 bits are (?) for blue and next 8 bits for green and finally for red. how the RGB is for 8bit...
  13. H

    Program that can steganograph a picture (BMP)?

    thanks for you'r suggestions i will come back soon with:wink: new questions.
  14. H

    Program that can steganograph a picture (BMP)?

    how languages treat the bmp files? do they treat diffrently? i mean how a language like c treat a bmp file?
  15. H

    Program that can steganograph a picture (BMP)?

    LSB method has a simple explanation but when we want to implement it to a BMP image with C it doesen't become as easy as you said i don't know how to start and how should i start coding i have no starting point and that's terrible! can anyone give more help please?:blushing: