Recent content by JAA

  1. JAA

    An elementary question - Percussive waveform moving through human tissue

    I appreciate your thoughts however not certain I agree as I've actually seen and experienced the opposite. Point is, this question of force load proportional to power does not result in a consistent result. I will definitely look into your recommendations. Thank you!
  2. JAA

    An elementary question - Percussive waveform moving through human tissue

    Thank you for responding. You'll have to excuse my oversimplification of certain concepts and/or phenomena! I'm trying to learn the difference between Sound wave propagation and percussion wave propagation. I then want to find out how much my percussion wave dissipates after traveling a short...
  3. JAA

    An elementary question - Percussive waveform moving through human tissue

    1/4" diameter stylus and a resounding "no" it does not go through the skin...only touches it. Ok, but, I'm still in pursuit of my original question. I'll keep plugging away and again, I really do appreciate your responses and interest. I too LOVE science.
  4. JAA

    An elementary question - Percussive waveform moving through human tissue

    Thank you. Yes, let me know of the link does not come through correctly.
  5. JAA

    An elementary question - Percussive waveform moving through human tissue

    I'm sorry if I have caused some anxiety over my post. My comments regarding motor activation has to do the nervous system of the body. Our instrument has been FDA approved and does not deliver electricity to the consumer. Please look up to learn more about what I am...
  6. JAA

    An elementary question - Percussive waveform moving through human tissue

    My goal is to evaluate our use of an 8 pound percussion wave force delivered at a calculated Z and Y vector through soft tissue at the level of the 1st cervical vertebra (stabilized only by soft tissue), understand why our outcomes are fantastic on some and but less effective on others, and...
  7. JAA

    An elementary question - Percussive waveform moving through human tissue

    Thank you for responding so quickly. This is where my physics of waves is VERY limited. My understanding simply, is that the difference between all wave forms i.e., sound, light, electrical, vibration, etc, are a matter of frequency. My guttural response (as we do not have this well defined)...
  8. JAA

    An elementary question - Percussive waveform moving through human tissue

    I need a better understanding and explanation of how a percussion wave form can move through biological soft tissue. I know that human soft tissue functions microscopically in a fluid environment however I also understand that there are also obstructive forces in the way of a wave moving in a...