Recent content by jCarlson

  1. J

    Hope you have a great day!What are the best Linux distros for beginners?

    To the first question, the simple answer is no. Programs that run on Windows generally do not run on Linux because they are different operating systems. Likewise programs for Linux don't work on Windows. However, you can get around this quite easily by installing an Windows emulator, such as...
  2. J

    Help with Work & Power Problem: 60kg Student on Incline

    Thanks for the help, I solved the problem by thinking Power as change in energy over time.
  3. J

    Help with Work & Power Problem: 60kg Student on Incline

    Hey everyone. I'm new to this site and was wondering if u can help me with a work and power problem. :smile: Question: A 60kg student runs at a constant velocity up the incline described in the diagram in 4.5s. Calculate the power output of the student. The diagram was a picture of a...