Recent content by jin8

  1. J

    What's on Your Fall 2010 Science Schedule?

    undergrad Abstract Algebra undergrad E&M2 grad QM1 grad mathematical physics grad computational astrophysics
  2. J

    Courses Nervous About Scheduling Courses for the Next Two Years

    ... emm.. UIUC,right? I've taken 5 of the 6 courses already, and the best advice I can give is.. if you want to take E&M, AVOID prof.Nayfeh at any cost... he is the worst...
  3. J

    Griffiths E&M: Do bound charges physically exist?

    Hello, Well, actually it's not a homework problem, I just got really confused about bound charges. Originally, I thought it was just a special technique to do the integral, but somehow Griffiths suggest that bound charges are phsically exist.(chap. 4.2.2) Well, I can accept his argument...
  4. J

    Proving the Discreteness of a Metric Space with Open Closure Property"

    Homework Statement the problem: Let M be a metric in which the closure of every open set is open. Prove that M is discrete The Attempt at a Solution To show M is discrete, it's enough to show every singleton set in M is open. For any x in M, assume it's not open, then there exist a...
  5. J

    Studying A freshmen's confusions in studying for excellence

    you may also transfer to a US college if you really don't like your univ.'s teaching style. I'm in a big research univ in US and I have a couple of classmates transferred from Taiwan University, and they did pretty good jobs here.
  6. J

    Theoretical physicist? mathematician? mathematical physicist?

    well basically I was in the same dilemma last year when I was a freshman.. Similarly to you, the mechanics or EM are pretty boring sometimes even annoying to me, so I take intermediate QM this semester(griffiths) and find out it's REALLY FUN, especially when you are good at math.(linear...
  7. J

    REU/anything useful after freshman year

    I think if you are freshman, then best (and easiest) way to get research exp. is to ask the profs in your department whether they can offer you a job.
  8. J

    Abstract linear algebra versus applied

    yeah, it's honors 416. I know Rick, but he probably don't know me.. lol Still I think the course will be very easy for you. Especially next fall 416 will be a requirement for all incoming math major freshmen, so I think the course will be even easier. We use Paul Halmos' Finite Dimensional...
  9. J

    Abstract linear algebra versus applied

    Wow.. I took honors linear algebra (Prof.Ando) last semester I think if you've taken 415 then you don't need take this course it's a proof-based course though but about 1/2 students taking 416 have not even seen matrix before... so the course will probably very easy for you since you...
  10. J

    What classes are you taking for Fall 2009?

    I'm a physics major and will be a sophomore Class Schedule: 1, Honors Real Analysis -- I think it should be elementary analysis course, still don't know what text we are going to use 2, Mechanics and Relativity 2 -- We'll use Thoronton and Marion 3, E&M1 -- Griffths 4, QM1 -- Griffths...
  11. J

    Real analysis before set theory?

    Yeah and I'm going to be a sophomore next semester. I don't know that prof,last semester I took Kevin Ford's 347 class. I've asked Math Department permission to take the honors section of real analysis, they told me if I'm getting straight A's in calculus sequence then I should be fine...
  12. J

    Real analysis before set theory?

    Well, I don't think you need rigourous set theory and actualy I'm taking 424 next semester. I think if you've taken math 347 then you'll be just fine.
  13. J

    What Advanced Math Should I Teach Myself Next?

    Well, actually in China all college students starting with real analysis. (i mean math and science majors) Maybe I'm biased, I feel extremely bad when I first learn calculus 'cause I don't like just memorize and plug-in and play, I want proves. I think the guy posted this thread should be...
  14. J

    What Advanced Math Should I Teach Myself Next?

    Kevin, Well, It's very impressive you're just going to be a freshman in a high school. How much Linear Algebra have you learned? If you already got some "basic" LA, then I recommend you to use Paul Halmos' Finite-Dimensional Vector Space, actually it's the textbook we're using in honors...
  15. J

    Physics in China: Programs, Universities & Advice

    Tsinghua is the best university in China. However Tsinghua is famous for its engineering program, not for its physics program. It's like Yale is one of best univ. in US, but it's physics program is not necessarily the best in US.