Recent content by -Job-

  1. -Job-

    Can you store a googolplex digitally?

    Here's an example - please check my math, I'm on my phone. Given 2^265 (approx 10^80) particles in the universe, suppose we split the particles into groups of three. Each three particles store three distances - these values are independent, given that there are 3 dimensions. Let each distance...
  2. -Job-

    Can you store a googolplex digitally?

    That's right, as I pointed out only some strings may be encoded to make maximum use of the 2n values and it becomes a large optimization problem. The point is there's substantially more storage capacity in the universe than the number of particles. Given two strings, we can encode a number of...
  3. -Job-

    Can you store a googolplex digitally?

    It may be possible to store such a large value within the Universe, though it's likely to be at least a computationally difficult problem and we would possibly have to give up the ability to store any given string of 1010100. Given any two particles, there is a value implicitly stored that...
  4. -Job-

    Can Discovering a Formula for the Nth Prime Compromise Online Security?

    Determining whether a number is prime can be efficiently computed using AKS but, as you allude to, identifying the prime factors for an n-bit number, requires potentially checking all 2n-1 possible divisors - which is not feasible for large numbers. However, there may well be a strategy by...
  5. -Job-

    Can Proxy Servers Truly Protect Your Identity?

    Anonymity is not a vulnerability of the system, it's a feature that many are actually fighting to protect. It's also nothing new, for instance The Onion Router forwards requests through member nodes using encrypted communication to not only hide the source address but to reduce or eliminate...
  6. -Job-

    Can Discovering a Formula for the Nth Prime Compromise Online Security?

    Integer factorization is a difficult problem to solve using current technology. In Computer Science, problems are grouped according to time complexity. Generally speaking, problems in the complexity class P are efficiently solved by today's computers, even for large instances (e.g. sorting a...
  7. -Job-

    Can Proxy Servers Truly Protect Your Identity?

    There's no such guarantee and depends on the proxy. There are many ways in which your identity can leak and allow the proxied requests to be traced back to you.
  8. -Job-

    Am I Strange for Being Attracted to Ayn Rand?

    I have in the past picked up an Ayn Rand book and was supremely disappointed - in fact i was never so turned off by a book, so i guess i had the opposite experience.
  9. -Job-

    Teaching yourself, is it really possible?

    I think you are being pedantic. :-p In a sense, self-learning requires a student to take on part of the role of the instructor by: 1. Selecting the material to focus on. 2. Determining the order in which to process the material. 3. Extracting meaningful abstractions. 4. Formulating...
  10. -Job-

    Teaching yourself, is it really possible?

    There's a distinction to be made between memorizing facts and learning. I've found that tackling a subject independently is challenging precisely because of the additional effort required in extracting key points and making the necessary connections, without the benefit of an instructor who...
  11. -Job-

    Is Computing Using Electromagnetic Waves Possible?

    AFAIK, there is no computer implementation relying primarily on EM waves for logic operations though your description is lacking in detail. Some Quantum Computers prototypes have used radio pulses to manipulate a quantum state, but that is purely mechanical, the Quantum effects being far more...
  12. -Job-

    Proxy avoidance? Websites blocked.

    There are many proxies available online, some of the most popular will be blocked but it's not possible to block all of them (unless the filter blocks everything by default, allowing only admin-specified sites). An option is to setup your own proxy using a web host or a platform like AppEngine...
  13. -Job-

    Can I change my computer's MAC address?

    AFAIK, when you override the mac address the resulting value will indicate that it's a locally administered address so you're spoofing a local value rather than a universally assigned value.
  14. -Job-

    Implementing Benevolence: The Necessity of Morality in the Arrival of AI

    The problem of simulating a quantum system (Universal Quantum Simulator) is in the complexity class BQP which puts it outside the range of classical computers, but this would only be necessary if the brain is relying upon quantum effects for computation. As an example, we can simulate the...