Recent content by Kaer Fyzarc

  1. K

    Label Puzzle: Determine Bead Contents

    Yes you can... You take a bead out of the container now labeled as BW (infact it is either the BB or WW can). If you find a black bead then it must be the BB can and if you find a white bead then it is the WW can.
  2. K

    Quantum physics movie - What the *$@ are we thinking? And upcoming movie

    It even won awards... I just watched this. And was so disgusted I had to find some like minded people so I came to PF (haven't been here since Feb last year(studies etc.)). What really gets me is that they got awards! 5 infact, 2 are audience awards though, so don't count. But these two...
  3. K

    Did you see Donnie Darko? Share your thoughts!

    That was a most excellent movie. I really enjoyed it. I like the surreality of it all, and it makes you think how the little choices in life can make huge differences in your future. Freaky.
  4. K

    Which of these developments would be most likely change our lives the most?

    Well, I think that superconductors at room temperature is feasible and will happen, it will change all of electronics. I reckon that Fusion is also a good possibility. As far as I know the "Big Ass Laser" also known as BAL has already been used to make fusion happen, it is just impractical on...
  5. K

    My First Publications: J-H C Schonfeldt

    Whoo-hoo! In the eternal words of Homer Simpson...