Recent content by LarryHerene

  1. L

    The speed of sound in nothing but a suit

    Terminal velocity =: energy lost to drag = energy gained from gravity and change in height. Or drag force = gravity. If the drag is low and dense enough then terminal velocity can exceed the speed of sound (a compression wave in the medium). Note that aerodynamic drag grow as the square of...
  2. L

    Age of a particle and related considerations

    For the observable universe select the frame of reference that give the minimum summed momentum vector and angular momentum. I suspect that this will approximate the rest frame of the big bang. Observationally the Cosmic Microwave Background should give the minimum total momentum...
  3. L

    QM: where did that energy come from?

    As I understand this situation Measurement is an interaction with the wave function of the electron - proton combination that selects an eigenvalue of the measured quantum number (i.e. orbit number). When you measure the orbital quantum number a photon interacts with the electron...
  4. L

    Question: Can a single photon have enough energy to create two pairs?

    Yes quarks carry charge The charge of the constituent ( and virtual ) up and down quarks would be able to interact with the photon.