Recent content by M Grandin

  1. M

    Science Humor: A Wide Selection

    - "Please Einstein - when did you realize nothing can travel faster than light?" - "It was when I trained running 100 m on the sports ground - but the time elapsed was the same however much I tried doing better!"
  2. M

    Science Humor: A Wide Selection

    Einstein was selling watches and Newton apples on the market. Newton to Einstein: "Do you really believe people want buying watches that are both slowering and weighing more while travelling?" Einstein: "And do you believe people want fallen fruit?"
  3. M

    Science Humor: A Wide Selection

    Then the conductor showed up and said "It is not a sheep - it is our fireman who has escaped from his duty!" Einstein: "I also had a feeling this inertial frame of moving train was decelerating!"
  4. M

    Science Humor: A Wide Selection

    Layman: Dear Einstein, please explain Theory of Relativity to me! Einstein: Sorry I cannot - I have not yet read my books about it !
  5. M

    Science Humor: A Wide Selection

    Einstein passed by and said: "Sorry you are all wrong! At least one sheep has black wool on one side at this moment !"
  6. M

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    The disabled professor The students found their professor lying lame on the floor and called the ambulance. When ambulance arrived the professor suddenly stood up agile and said "I was kidding, just a lame joke!"
  7. M

    Did Jimmy Carter's Grandson Just Announce a Run for Governor in Georgia?

    Buddhism Perhaps computer games is a kind of "well of youth" in the sense missions may be accomplished regardless players own physical abilities. Perhaps also the agility of virtual heroes (for instance "Prince of Persia" in that game) is to some extent transmitted to the player - because brain...
  8. M

    2D becomes 3D when looked at by one eye

    You have obviously misunderstood what I wrote. I talk about a mental mechanism that translates a 2D picture or photo into apparent true 3D, when looked at by one eye. This phenomenon obviously works regarding ANY picture or photo - but in different extent depending on circumstances. The effect...
  9. M

    2D becomes 3D when looked at by one eye

    Are you giving me a "first clue" to this "phenomenon"? I had already explained it in original post. Your closed or "absent" eye does not contribute to the illusion - in other way than not giving information . You maintain 3D movies use this phenomenon. I am not upgraded regarding 3D...
  10. M

    2D becomes 3D when looked at by one eye

    Thanks for kind words ! I think this "phenomenon" should be wellknown, but none appears having heard of it.
  11. M

    2D becomes 3D when looked at by one eye

    When I was about 25 I noticed that a 2D photo appeared 3D when looked at through a magnifying glass. First I thought it depended on the lens, but then realized it was because I looked at the picture by just one eye - exactly as the camera lens had seen it in reality. I.e. there is much 3D...
  12. M

    Newton vs Einstein: Who Revolutionized Physics?

    In youth I was extremely impressed by both Newton and Einstein. But later I have understood it is unfair regarding them as single bright shining stars of their time. Consider Newton: As I now understand most of his concepts were originally ideas from Robert Hooke. But Hooke did not have...
  13. M

    Why does gas turbine efficiency increase with size?

    Perhaps the friction and heat losses are proportional to surface area and expanding gas energy proportional to volume - and therefore increased efficiency by increased size.
  14. M

    Aliens and detection/proof of their existence

    I must give you at PF a "courtesy": STOP LOCKING INTERESTING THREADS For the moment you had erased and/or locked threads from "enan" (if I remember correctly) about aliens and detection/proof of their existence. It is cowardly and unscientific not allowing such discussions. :frown:
  15. M

    Is it worth running in the rain?

    When I some time ago thought about this, I concluded, assuming rain falls vertically and body could be approximated as a parallellepipede: 1) Rain hitting top of you is proportional to time dwelled in the rain, independent of horisontal distance travelled. 2) Rain hitting front of...