Recent content by Malverin

  1. Malverin

    Thickness of steel required for shielding magnetic field

    You can not shield them completely. How thickness affects shielding is shown here
  2. Malverin

    How Do You Calculate Current from a Faraday Disc?

    If you use a flat coil instead of solid disk and coil is wind in such direction, that its magnetic field adds to the field of stator magnets, the generator will be more efficient.
  3. Malverin

    What is a CNC machine feed regulator?

    I can not say what they are for from what I see here.
  4. Malverin

    What is a CNC machine feed regulator?

    This is CNC machine feed regulator. At 100% the actual feedrate will be that in the code. With the regulator, you can slow it down, or speed it up.
  5. Malverin

    Bernoulli Principle and fluid velocity

    The mass flow is always the same (when you have incompressible fluid. For low speeds, they all are). So when the cross section changes, the speed changes too. And Qm=ρ⋅A⋅V=const In the smaller cross section, you have more speed, and so you have more kinetic energy. But potential energy...
  6. Malverin

    Resources or learning how SI units work?

    It is explained where all the units come from and how their values are chosen. And if that is not enough, may be you need a converting table - the relation between imperial and SI units. Or you need something else?
  7. Malverin

    Resources or learning how SI units work?

    It will be good to learn how to use Google. It will help you a lot :smile:
  8. Malverin

    How do i gain intuition to learn and remember physics?

    When you learn, don't try to memorize the formulas as numbers and letters. They describe something from the reality. It is much easier to remember real examples and connect them to the formulas. Some examples:
  9. Malverin

    Can magnetic field exist without electric field?

    When we have ideal inductor or ideal capacitor, the current and voltage are out of phase, shifted with +/- 90 degrees. So there will be moments in time, when current will be zero at maximum voltage and moments when voltage will be zero at maximum current. Without current there is no magnetic...
  10. Malverin

    Are subatomic particles spherical?

    Yes you are right. They use precession to determine the dipole moment here. I didn't understand how they are sure dipole moment is spherical (same value in all directions)? They sense 2 states with the polarized rays - aligned and anti aligned. So what spherical means here?
  11. Malverin

    Are subatomic particles spherical?

    To determine a spherical shape you have to measure it. In meters, micrometers... It looks like measuring a size(its diameter) to me. Do you know some other way? :smile:
  12. Malverin

    Are subatomic particles spherical?

    When you are measuring size of a moving object, even if you measure it very fast it will move in some direction and your accuracy will be low. To compensate that in final result you have to know exactly the speed and direction of movement of the object and how much and in what way it deforms...
  13. Malverin

    Are subatomic particles spherical?

    The problem is that size and shape are very well defined in space. And that so much contradicts to - "We don't know where it is". Of course charge has location haha :smile:
  14. Malverin

    Are subatomic particles spherical?

    That is what I am saying. Both can not be truth - to know where is the electron (its dipole moment), to know the size of its dipole moment, and its shape and in the same time, not to know where the electron is. Only one can be truth. And I am asking which one? Because as you said, dipole...
  15. Malverin

    Are subatomic particles spherical?

    OK. So we can measure the shape, location and size of electron's dipole moment, but the electron has no shape size and can be everywhere. So electron and its dipole moment have not much in common :smile: How we can even be sure we are measuring the electron's dipole moment?