Recent content by Mayank Totloor

  1. M

    I Slope w.r.t Origin: Difference, Usage & Examples

    No, the text does not use the terminology "slope with respect to the origin", now that I've come across this example I thought that there might exist such a concept. Don't you think the smallest slope is at point where the first line segment meets the curve in the Fig. 4.26 ? (If we consider the...
  2. M

    I Slope w.r.t Origin: Difference, Usage & Examples

    I just came across an example which used slope w.r.t origin. Can you please walk me through the solution
  3. M

    I Slope w.r.t Origin: Difference, Usage & Examples

    Please help with the above
  4. M

    I Slope w.r.t Origin: Difference, Usage & Examples

    What is the difference between slope w.r.t origin and slope at a point on the curve and when are they used ?
  5. M

    Understanding: Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors/Diagonalizing

    What is the practical importance of "Eigenvalues" and Eigenvectors" ? Can somebody please explain them clearly as to what they indicate and how they were invented.