Recent content by MedievalMan

  1. M

    Solving Op-Amp with Feedback - Get Help Here!

    Hello, It seems to me that the system is doing some sort of filtering. To know what type of filtering, you can write the transfer function from input (sensor input) to output (voltage after capacitor C3).
  2. M

    Capacitor Comparisons: Quality Control, Testing, and Brand Names

    Well, if you need the capacitor to have a discharging/charging rate of 1 sec, you need to evaluate: Time Constant = R*C = Time to reach 63% of final value
  3. M

    Will the spectra of the transmitted and received signal be different?

    Heh, yeah. For our "project" we had to implement a recent paper in image processing or machine vision (which is inferring information from image processing data). I did a "fuzzy" filter. Fuzzy logic is great like that: with just some basic vague rule based knowledge, you can make some...
  4. M

    Will the spectra of the transmitted and received signal be different?

    Thanks for the better explanation. Indeed, Image Processing was a fun class. By the end of the class, you made a program in C++ that was a mini-photoshop, with your own custom filtering routines! :)
  5. M

    Will the spectra of the transmitted and received signal be different?

    Well... For starters, if the frequency range of the noise is not that of your signal, you can just filter it out (low pass, bandpass.) As to the other distortions.. well, that's what communication systems are all about. You'd have to do some reading. :) If you know the approximate...
  6. M

    Will the spectra of the transmitted and received signal be different?

    I'm no expert in communications, but the answer is, yes. If the distortion affects the signal in the time domain - ie. distortion, noise, this will show up in the frequency domain (spectra.)
  7. M

    Electric motor question(torque and speed relationship)

    "The thing is, regarding my design project(motor powered screw jack). I was wondering how the motor would behave. I have someone told me that if I am using a constant torque motor and the load is low, then the motor would draw less current than at its maximum capability. The constant speed...
  8. M

    Electric motor question(torque and speed relationship)

    I've worked with DC motors for quite a while now. DC motors are the simplest type; given a constant voltage, they run to a steady speed and steady current (electric torque= constant * current for DC motors). If you need to control the torque (current), you use a current sensor (a...
  9. M

    Programs Phd means what, what makes an idea pHD worthy?

    I know a bit about the degree, though the name itself "Doctor of Philosophy" seems awkward for some areas. I'm finishing up my master's right now; I'm considering getting a pHD because I think there's a chance for me to develop and idea I have that is "pHD" worthy. As well, I have an...
  10. M

    Navigating the Politics of Academia: My Decision on Pursuing a PHD in EE

    Perhaps I exaggerate the situation then; perhaps it just seems that way when you get frustrated. I've honestly only read enough papers to make at least a (hopefully) small contribution to the field, I'm no expert by any means. I think IEEE journals are well regulated. To be honest...
  11. M

    Navigating the Politics of Academia: My Decision on Pursuing a PHD in EE

    Ah, I'm considering getting a PHD in EE, probably in control systems. A tough decision to make; I have the next 4 months to decide. :) Now that I'm in my final stages of my master's , it's not so bad: I'm finishing implementing an idea. Although I'm still reading a few papers, it's mostly...
  12. M

    Need microcontroller recommendation

    I've programmed some TI DSP's: great support from TI. Their micros should be the same way. You can't go wrong with TI.
  13. M

    Need microcontroller recommendation

    For my Capstone project (4th year EE project) we ended up using a Motorola micro -- it was the one we learned in our class, and they had them in the department. Bad move. The manual is confusing as hell (the instructions were clearly translated from Japanese to English by Babelfish or...
  14. M

    Programs Is a PHD Worth the Time and Money for a Future Teacher?

    Thanks for the advice. I've also heard it's very hard (at least in Canada) to get a full time professor position at a University (competition is very high). I guess you'd have to be the "best of the best" to ensure a good chance :) Well, the funny thing is, I considered the PHD because...
  15. M

    Programs Is a PHD Worth the Time and Money for a Future Teacher?

    A PHD!? NO! Say it Ain't So! My background: -undergrad in EE, finishing up a master's in EE (control systems). -wanted to teach, didn't want to do a "3-5 year" (average time for EE PHD). - I got really frustrated and discouraged in my life/studies recently, but got over it and am better...