Recent content by merhalag

  1. M

    The invers of fixed Levi-Civita symbol's element

    Yes, \epsilon_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma} \; \rho^{\alpha\beta\delta\lambda} ~=~3! \delta^\lambda_\sigma Where \mu,\nu,,... are the diffeomorphism indices, once one has fixed this indices, how can I find the tensor \rho? For exemple: T^{a}=P_{a'}\epsilon^{tabc}\epsilon^{ta'}\:_{bc}, how can I...
  2. M

    The invers of fixed Levi-Civita symbol's element

    Homework Statement Hi every one, I am really confused on how to calculate the inverse of this Levi Civita symbole's element \epsilon^{tabc}, I tried to used this equation...