Recent content by Michael Scott

  1. M

    I How do I show a skeptic that atoms/molecules actually exist?

    "Prove that a Physics Forum Mentor actually exist and isn't an alien hacking into the internet from thirty lightyears away, a strange ghost who inhabits the web, or a figment of your imagination. " ...... I find this meaningless. First, there has to be somebody who makes a positive statement...
  2. M

    I How do I show a skeptic that atoms/molecules actually exist?

    From my understanding of this stuff as physics enthusiast only, in Einstein's version (which is surely the correct version) falling objects don't experience any "force". Here is a nice video explaining this:
  3. M

    I How do I show a skeptic that atoms/molecules actually exist?

    I find this problematic. I am not interested in applicability, which is like the technology. I am interested in "reality" part. Because "reality" cannot have 2 descriptions right?? There can be only 1 description of reality, right?? So, the reason why objects fall to the ground (i.e. reality)...
  4. M

    I How do I show a skeptic that atoms/molecules actually exist?

    Well, I have to disagree. Developing models that accurately predict outcomes is only the MEANS to the END. It is only ONE aspect of SCIENCE. The END result or the POINT OF science is this (I got this from Google btw which I also agree with): Science aims to explain and understand. Science as...
  5. M

    I How do I show a skeptic that atoms/molecules actually exist?

    Ok ok I got it now. I went to Wikipedia Science page which says this: Working scientists usually take for granted a set of basic assumptions that are needed to justify the scientific method: (1) that there is an objective reality shared by all rational observers; (2) that this objective...
  6. M

    I How do I show a skeptic that atoms/molecules actually exist?

    Are you guys saying that Peter Higgs & François Englert was awarded the Nobel Prize (the GREATEST prize any human can get) just for "Creating a model of a Higgs Boson"? Because, if you say that particles are just "models", they are not DISCOVERIES ain't It?? They are CREATIONS ain't It? Are...
  7. M

    I How do I show a skeptic that atoms/molecules actually exist?

    That is CRAZY. I just Googled out of curiosity and what do you know, now we can actually see atoms using a super powerful microscope? So, what do you say now?? Do you still say that atoms...
  8. M

    I How do I show a skeptic that atoms/molecules actually exist?

    So, are you saying that atoms and molecules actually don't exist? We don't actually know whether they exist or not? That is very strange. Because I know they exist. How can we create an atom bomb, if atoms did not exist? Are you saying that scientists are not sure that electrons exist?? So...
  9. M

    I How do I show a skeptic that atoms/molecules actually exist?

    This might be a stupid question so please bear with me. I am having a debate with a friend of mine over the Internet. It is about science. His argument is that although science works (that is the technology part), science cannot actually tell anything about "reality". He sites for example...