Recent content by michels

  1. M

    Why Don't Space Shuttles Get Lost in Space?

    Yeah, think I get it now, any man made construct is still part of the universe despite its location and/or acceleration. I guess you can tell I'm not formally educated in physics, but I do have an interest in it, sorry if my question was unclear.
  2. M

    Why Don't Space Shuttles Get Lost in Space?

    I see, but then is there a point at which gravity is taken out of the equation and self propulsion over takes the initial force, could a object between the galaxies brake free of the expanding universe?
  3. M

    Why Don't Space Shuttles Get Lost in Space?

    Um, yes, sorry. What I'm laboring to ask, is what keeps a free object in space from getting left behind by the moving universe?
  4. M

    Why Don't Space Shuttles Get Lost in Space?

    If the universe as a whole is moving at great speeds and spaces is a mostly vacant vacuum why aren't space shuttles lost when they brake free of gravity?