Recent content by mireazma

  1. M

    Instantaneous velocity when non-constant acceleration

    I'm a total rookie at calculus and this holds me back from getting to the bottom of many problems like this :( that's why I probably misunderstood your solution. But to me it looks like this: α is an unknown constant -- constant yes, but yet unknown, undetermined; as such the recipe misses one...
  2. M

    Instantaneous velocity when non-constant acceleration

    Thank you very much for your time. Sorry for the late reply. Reading your post and "constant of integration" on Wikipedia raised some intriguing facts: - A can be decomposed into terms of v and t making the formula simpler. - v(t) can't be really determined as α isn't determined in the first...
  3. M

    Instantaneous velocity when non-constant acceleration

    Thank you very much. It looks like what I'm asking for. Surprisingly as it may seem -- all the calculus I know is raw formulae for derivatives like (3x4)' = 12x3, sin(x)' = cos(x) etc. So this drastically outweighs my mathematical knowledge. If I'm not asking too much, could you please, write an...
  4. M

    Instantaneous velocity when non-constant acceleration

    Thanks for replying. I need to find both At (acceleration) and vt which, problematically, are interdependent: A depends on v as per given formula (At = vt2 * 0.04), v depends on A by Newton's laws. We ignore gravity. I don't know why you brought force into discussion. I tried something on the...
  5. M

    Instantaneous velocity when non-constant acceleration

    Hello. I've seen on Wikipedia ( a formula to find the aerodynamic drag (velocity dependent negative acceleration) for a spherical body. Knowing body's mass, diameter and air density I simplified it to the form: A = vt2 * 0.04 where A...
  6. M

    What is the general equation for a mutating variable in a 3rd degree function?

    At a second thought, the 2nd part isn't such a big issue. I could simply estimate a rough linear-logarithmic function; the user won't notice too much. The precision isn't crucial. LE: I know I sound fawning but I totally respect hard work and hard mind. I realize that I'm 2566 posts away from...
  7. M

    What is the general equation for a mutating variable in a 3rd degree function?

    Thank you so much. You already did very much, Please, don't mind the starting point. And with the second part, don't waste too much of your time. I feel in debt already LE: Oops! too late.
  8. M

    What is the general equation for a mutating variable in a 3rd degree function?

    Thank you very much. Man that was fast. What if I change start and end points? I can't relate them to the function... Now that I read your reply I realize that the 2nd part is... a separate function by itself. f(D) = n OFFTOPIC: I saw your sig in another thread and couldn't ask there. So I do...
  9. M

    Investigating Logic Behind Line Segment Lengths

    My mathematically profane answer: The points of the second line are bigger :smile: If you say for any point of short(?) line there exist correspond a point on the long(?) line, it means that the points of the latter are the projections of the shorter line's points. He he.
  10. M

    What is the general equation for a mutating variable in a 3rd degree function?

    Hello. Long time, no see. From all the forums I'm a member of, I feel this is the most strange to me as my math is very basic. So, here is what I'd be thankful to be helped with: I'm making a "mechanic" that I'm going to use in game and software developing for tons of times if I'll pull it...
  11. M

    What is the equation for combining two vectors using the parallelogram rule?

    Thanks a lot! After asiduous searching on the web, I realized that the soft I use to make the game has arcsin already implemented. Doh! If you sometime feel like doing simple games, go try Game Maker; it's friendly. :)
  12. M

    What is the equation for combining two vectors using the parallelogram rule?

    almost there I found the formula for the value: R=sqrt(V1²+V2²+2*V1*V2*cos(α)) As for the direction, I'm stuck at: sin(β)=V2*sin(α)/R I need β; how can I pull out β in this equation?
  13. M

    What is the equation for combining two vectors using the parallelogram rule?

    The very formula of parallelogram vectors merge? Ok, forget anything else! Anywayz, I have 2 vectors; I know the directions and the values for both; what's the formula for finding the resulting merged vector direction and value? (the vectors aren't perpendicular) I need an equation...
  14. M

    What is the equation for combining two vectors using the parallelogram rule?

    Thank you; it's hard to apply this in what I'm making, though; I basically want to know the value of a 2nd vector (v2) please take a look at my scheme, cause I got the feeling v1 not equals v2 (v2<v1). So, how can I determine how much of the tank force is applied to the truck? If v2 is a...
  15. M

    What is the equation for combining two vectors using the parallelogram rule?

    I tried at "Intro physics" and was warn that my post might be deleted if not stuck to a certain template. So, here I am. I'm an outsider in physics, yet I'm trying to make a 2d game with collisions. I know that I can "split" a vector into two and combine two into one by this rule; I need the...