Recent content by mrdoe

  1. M

    Spring attached to string on one side, mass on the other.

    Thanks, it makes sense now. Intuitively the initial tug of gravity on mass m2 would stretch the spring and move m1 at the same time, but I guess we live in a world full of friction so that isn't really accurate.
  2. M

    Spring attached to string on one side, mass on the other.

    This is a problem I came up with myself, so it's not homework and so I didn't post in that forum. Suppose a mass m1 rests on a frictionless table. m1 is directly connected to a massless ideal spring at equilibrium length of spring constant k which is connected to a string going over a pulley...
  3. M

    Solving Block & Sphere Angle Problem w/ Gravity

    Well \frac{v^2}{r} = \frac{v^2}{10} > 5g\cos\theta. Sorry Then later on we have \frac{v^2}{10} = \frac{490.5(1+\cos\theta)}{25} and 1+\cos\theta>2.5\cos\theta so 1.5\cos\theta < 1 so \cos\theta < 2/3 and we have \theta = 48.19 degrees.
  4. M

    Solving Block & Sphere Angle Problem w/ Gravity

    OK I'll do it the way I think it should be done. Correct me if there are mistakes. We have mg\cos\theta as the centripetal force. At some velocity v, \frac{v^2}{20} > 5g\cos\theta. Then \frac{v^2}{100} > g\cos\theta and using KE/PE, we know that setting the base of the ball to be PE = 0, we...
  5. M

    Solving Block & Sphere Angle Problem w/ Gravity

    The normal force goes away when the block loses contact. By that time, the only acceleration is due to gravity. Am I correct? However, assume T is the time at which the block loses contact. Then at T-e where e is infinitely small, the block still has the normal force. So it wouldn't have...
  6. M

    Solving Block & Sphere Angle Problem w/ Gravity

    The real problem is that the normal force counteracts any centripetal force.
  7. M

    Solving Block & Sphere Angle Problem w/ Gravity

    Are you talking about the gravity between the sphere and the block? I honestly don't think that's a force to consider in this problem.
  8. M

    Solving Block & Sphere Angle Problem w/ Gravity

    There are two forces acting on a block on an inclined plane (the plane tangent to the sphere at the tangent point of the block to the sphere): gravity and normal. The net force is down the inclined plane, the magnitude of this is mg sin(theta) where theta is the inclination of the plane...
  9. M

    Solving Block & Sphere Angle Problem w/ Gravity

    Bump, I really need help on this one.
  10. M

    Solving Block & Sphere Angle Problem w/ Gravity

    Wait: there is no centripetal force. For angle of theta with respect to vertical, there's only a force of mg\sin\theta, which is parallel to the inclined plane (or the sphere's tangent). Therefore, the block should fly off the sphere at 0 degrees. What am I getting wrong here..
  11. M

    Solving Block & Sphere Angle Problem w/ Gravity

    The centripetal acceleration has to be v^2/r and thus force must be v^2/20...
  12. M

    Solving Block & Sphere Angle Problem w/ Gravity

    The centripetal net force is not large enough to keep the block in "orbit"?
  13. M

    Solving Block & Sphere Angle Problem w/ Gravity

    Is it just that at some angle theta, the velocity is no longer in balance with the pseudocentripetal force and the ball therefore leaves the surface?
  14. M

    Solving Block & Sphere Angle Problem w/ Gravity

    The problem is that the pseudo-"centripetal" force is entirely canceled out by the normal force. Am I right? So it has something to do with a circle/centripetal pseudoforce but I'm not getting it.
  15. M

    Solving Block & Sphere Angle Problem w/ Gravity

    Yes it's circular in shape. So you mean I should consider the component of the forces acting on the block perpendicular to the tangent?