Recent content by MyWifesABobcat

  1. M

    Masters in Engineering: Should I Pursue an MSc in the UK?

    I've got a pretty solid grasp of all of the necessary mathematics. Calc I-III, Linear Algebra, Probability & Statistics, Numerical Analysis, ODEs, PDEs. My upper division math GPA was much better than my overall. Most of my poor grades came from (oddly enough) my general courses, as well as...
  2. M

    Masters in Engineering: Should I Pursue an MSc in the UK?

    Hey All I need some advice I graduated from a small liberal arts college with a BA in Physics. I dealt with quite a bit in college, and as a result (coupled with my unwillingness to study as much as I should have), I ended up with a 2.8 and pretty much no research experience. I've applied...