Recent content by nemesiswes

  1. N

    Does a straight wire or Electron have a north and south magnetic pole?

    So then that is why it is said that magnetic fields don't end or start at anywhere? Electric charges have a start point and end point obviously but then a magnetic field doesn't actually have any start or end right?
  2. N

    Does a straight wire or Electron have a north and south magnetic pole?

    So does a wire actually have a magnetic north and south pole? I know a coil of wire will form one but a straight wire will only attract another wire if the other wire's current is going in the opposite direction and repel if in the same direction. I have looked for images and they always just...
  3. N

    Will Object Move When Rockets Synchronously Fire & Shutoff?

    Hi, A while ago I posted a question that had to do with whether a hypothetical box that contained the Earth and the sun would move when the gravity, the sun was switched off. It was locked for being too out there, not bound to real physics which is not allowed on this forum or at least needs to...
  4. N

    How is power transfered in a transformer exactly?

    Really? Well apparently I have a better grasp of them then I thought, lol. Thanks a lot, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't to far off from how they work, I have been doing a lot of research on transformers and not just how they work in general but like at the very fundamental level how they...
  5. N

    How is power transfered in a transformer exactly?

    So nobody knows how? Is it too complex to explain and that's why there are no answers?
  6. N

    How is power transfered in a transformer exactly?

    So is the reason I got no answers because this is in the wrong place? I figured it should be in classical physics because it deals with electromagnetism. Does no one really know the answer exactly? Or did I basically explain the answer already and I was correct, so there was no need for a...
  7. N

    How is power transfered in a transformer exactly?

    Hi, I know that power is transferred from the primary to the secondary by the alternating magnetic flux generated by the primary. The alternating magnetic flux induces a voltage which if the secondary is closed will cause a current to flow. What I want to know is how exactly is the power...
  8. N

    Inductance of inductor in large steady state magnetic field

    So basically in air, the inductance should stay roughly the same or the same. In a ferromagnetic core , if the external field is large enough, then it may saturate the core, causing the inductor to no longer have the same inductance. Since the core is saturated, I assume that the inductor may...
  9. N

    Inductance of inductor in large steady state magnetic field

    So would the inductance of a inductor be effected if it was in a large steady state magnetic field. Say the inductor produces a field of about .01 Tesla and the large electromagnet produces a field of 1 Tesla or more. How would a high permeable core vs a air core effect it? Would it add...
  10. N

    How is momentum transfered between magnets?

    Well I know that, I guess I should have been more specific, sorry. I mean how is the momentum actually transferred when considering tiny timescales or large distances. For example, is the momentum actually transferred by magnet A emitting a virtual photon that carries momentum, this virtual...
  11. N

    How is momentum transfered between magnets?

    Hi, I was wondering how is momentum transferred between magnets? Basically I know that magnets produce a magnetic field and when two magnets that are opposing (N-N or S-S), they cause each one to move away from the other one. I also know that the momentum is conserved because one moves one way...
  12. N

    Would the delay cause the box to move?

    Well the box is closed in the sense that the sun and the Earth stay in inside but it is open in that the gravity can extend past the box, just not interact with the box. To make it easier, it is just floating out in space far way from other objects. Also in response to Waterfox, I think the...
  13. N

    Would the delay cause the box to move?

    Well that is why the box is there so any movement of the sun causes the Earth to move with it and vice versa. Since you couldn't make sun move away since that would cause the Earth to move aswell, you just turn off the sun or blow it up, just as long as it is no longer there gravitationly. Also...
  14. N

    Would the delay cause the box to move?

    well, I really am just trying to find out if the earth, sun and the box ultimatly move in one direction? I know every action causes a reaction and that should still hold up here. I imagine the reaction would have been the sun being pulled by Earth since the Earth is being pulled by the sun that...
  15. N

    Would the delay cause the box to move?

    also why would the sun begin to move first and then the sun in your 2nd possibility Russ watters? Is it because of since the sun was being pulled toward the earth, the box was compressed and when the sun shut off, it uncompressed, moving away from the earth? Then what happens when that...