Recent content by Ninjarzz

  1. N

    Exploring the Difference between Calculated & Experimental Acceleration

    I'm not really sure what you mean by human reaction time? Elaborate? like ... the time that i calculated forit to go? because it was takeen by a stop watch
  2. N

    Exploring the Difference between Calculated & Experimental Acceleration

    Homework Statement So we did a lab this week in my physics class. We had a car on a horizontal table, that was attached to a string with weights (The weights were over the edge of the table.) We then calculated the experimental acceleration and the calculated acceleration. These numbers were...
  3. N

    Solve the Difference in Calculated and Experimental Acceleration

    So we did a lab this week in my physics class. We had a car on a horizontal table, that was attached to a string with weights (The weights were over the edge of the table.) We then calculated the experimental acceleration and the calculated acceleration. These numbers were different. My...