Recent content by Noisy Rhysling

  1. Noisy Rhysling

    What will the post-technological world look like for humanity?

    So there's never going to be time when technology has been supplanted by a more advanced system?
  2. Noisy Rhysling

    What will the post-technological world look like for humanity?

    I made a friend twitch by asking him what the post-technological world would be like. So, wide-open question: What comes after technology for the human race? Sociological implications? Psychological implications? Will we be Markovians? Angels? House plants?
  3. Noisy Rhysling

    What is the latest book about a Moon base by author Andy Weir?

    Ordered from Amazon, sold out and back ordered. (Arriving Tuesday.) Good new for Andy, and for us.
  4. Noisy Rhysling

    How far are we from these milestones/technologies?

    The idea that we would hit random planets with those things and destroy the extant ecology for our own purposes without considering if there are living beings there is horrifying. And very human.
  5. Noisy Rhysling

    Is it possible to have structures older than 500,000 years old

    There's retro silent movie out now, "The Call of Cthulhu", available on Amazon.
  6. Noisy Rhysling

    How Can You Effectively Wake Up Early?

    I used to wake up at 4 am every flippin' morning. I've managed to work that down to 5:30 AM.
  7. Noisy Rhysling

    Which interstellar "empire" do you like the most?

    Reading up on the Humanx Amalgamation right now. Fun stuff.
  8. Noisy Rhysling

    Is it possible to have structures older than 500,000 years old

    We find residences nearly that old, Sterkfontein comes to mind immediately. But the technology didn't exist to building structures more complicated than wickiups until we got together to make civilizations. The lunatic fringe will claim otherwise, of course.
  9. Noisy Rhysling

    Do you think ET life exists elsewhere?

    Would you consider unicorns possible if you lived on a world where all large mammals have a single horn on their head.
  10. Noisy Rhysling

    News Weird News Compilation

    Some folks like to say that their gun is always safe AND ready for immediate use. Oxy for that moron.
  11. Noisy Rhysling

    News Weird News Compilation

    That's absolutely horrifying. ;) (I used to live there and that faux pas would cost the engineer his job back then.)
  12. Noisy Rhysling

    Do you think ET life exists elsewhere?

    What if you lived in a world where every large four-footed mammal had a single horn on its forehead?
  13. Noisy Rhysling

    Do you think ET life exists elsewhere?

    Have we searched every galaxy in the Universe? Are those two criteria the only ones that would provide signs of intelligent life? Does the intelligent life have to be farther along technologically than we are? If they are truly intelligent and out there why would they contact us?
  14. Noisy Rhysling

    Our Hero is in deadly peril, but there are seven more books

    I'm 66.6 years old. Seen the ones I wanted to see already.
  15. Noisy Rhysling

    Our Hero is in deadly peril, but there are seven more books

    Oh, wow, the hydrocodone just kicked in.