Recent content by onkel_tuca

  1. onkel_tuca

    Solution of a certain NxN matrix, when N->∞

    Thanks for the hint! This means I can rephrase the task to: Find the polynomial $$P(x)=a_1+a_3 x+a_5 x^2+...\;,$$ where $$P(-l(l+1))=\frac 1 {2l+1}$$ for all natural l>0. The sampling points are all on the curve $$f(x)=\frac 1 {\sqrt{1-4x}}\;.$$
  2. onkel_tuca

    Solution of a certain NxN matrix, when N->∞

    Hello fellow nerds, I've come across a math problem, where I'd like to find the solution vector of a NxN square matrix. It is possible to find a solution for a given N, albeit numbers in the matrix become very large for any N>>1, and numbers in the solution vector become very small. So it's not...
  3. onkel_tuca

    Discretizing a Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem

    Just in case someone has a similar problem. I ended up with this approach (taken from a preprint): Here, we discretize the noise ζ in a field equation into element noise vector z, with components zi of the finite volume (FVM) elements i. We define the correlation function between zi and zj by...
  4. onkel_tuca

    Discretizing a Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem

    Hey! I want to discretize a fluctuation dissipation theorem for the white noise ζ of a stochastic differential equation on a 2D domain (sphere). For that I integrate over "Finite Volume" elements with area A and A' (see below). \begin{eqnarray*} \int_{A} d A \int_{A'} d A'...
  5. onkel_tuca

    Bifurcation between two oscillations

    Hey Krylov, thanks for your answer. I missed the email about it. The first bifurcation is actually subcritical (the position of the bifurcation depends a little bit on the initial amplitude, i.e. there's a small overlap of the damped (1) and the osc. case (2)). The mathematical form of the...
  6. onkel_tuca

    Bifurcation between two oscillations

    Hello world! I've done a few simulations of an emulsion droplet which is actuated by a laser beam. The droplet starts to move due to the laser light. I don't want to talk too much about the physics behind this but more discuss the nonlinear dynamics of the trajectories. Depending on a parameter...