Recent content by Pavel

  1. P

    Airplane and Conveyor Belt Debate

    Hi Phrak, There's a difference between an idealized experiment, in which things are considered in principle, and an actual experiment, under certain physical conditions. When Enstein imagined what would happen if he was riding a beam of light, he was not conducting an actual experiment...
  2. P

    Airplane and Conveyor Belt Debate

    Airplane on the treadmill A friend of mine told me about this mush discussed thought experiment ( ). We immediately got into a debate, but we shortly reached an agreement. I wanted to run it by somebody who understands physics and tell me...
  3. P

    Are Determinism and Entropy Contradictory Concepts in Physics and Computation?

    Hi, I'd appreciate it if somebody would clarify a couple of things for me. First, it looks like the concept of determinism is not the same in physics and the theory of computation. Physical determinism requires a unique evolution forward AND backward. That is, the information doesn't get...
  4. P

    Topology Q: Curved Space w/out Higher Dimensions?

    CompuChip, thank you very much for the explanation. Loved the joke too :) Pavel
  5. P

    Topology Q: Curved Space w/out Higher Dimensions?

    Hi, does it make sense to posit a curved (hall of mirrors type) space without higher dimensions? In other words, if I say we live in a 3 dimensional torus shaped universe, does that statement necessarily entail there's at least a 4 dimensional overall hyperspace? Or can I have a torus curved...
  6. P

    Is Survival of the fittest a Paradox?

    No, it's not a paradox. At worst, it can be argued to 'beg the question' (conclusion is presumed in the premise), or be reduced to a tautology - empirically untestable truth by definition, like "a bachelor is an unmarried man". In other words, the notion of survival can be analytically derived...
  7. P

    Exploring the Universe's Topology: Insights from a New Study |"

    Thank you for your help. Would I be correct then to summarize what you say, in down to Earth terms, as following: The recent observations, such as done by WMAP suggest that, as far as we can see, the Universe is flat, save a few very small irregularities here and there. However, such...
  8. P

    Exploring the Universe's Topology: Insights from a New Study |"

    I thought the curvature was really a "local" thing and had little bearing on the overall topology. IN other words, all possible three curvatures are still consistent with a torus. So, even if the CMBR shows flatness as far as we can see, the overall universe can still be toroidal. Can it not...
  9. P

    Exploring the Universe's Topology: Insights from a New Study |"

    Hi, I've read this article (, which says: "In the new study, researchers examined primordial radiation imprinted on the cosmos. Among their conclusions is that it is less likely that there is some crazy cosmic "hall of mirrors"...
  10. P

    Understanding 'A Gene for X' from Steven Pinker's Debate

    Ah, that's it. Makes sense now. Thanks! Moonbear, I appreciate your help too. Pavel.
  11. P

    Understanding 'A Gene for X' from Steven Pinker's Debate

    Hi, the following is from Steven Pinker's debate (against Rose). Can somebody please translate this into more understandable language. I know what allele and average and all the individual terms mean, but I just don't get the concept and I want to know what evolutionists mean when they say "a...
  12. P

    Believing in an Infinite Universe: Reasons Explored

    I see. Well, you really answered my question to the level of detail I needed. Thank you for doing that. Pavel.
  13. P

    Believing in an Infinite Universe: Reasons Explored

    Ah, my apology. I did misunderstand your point. This would be more of a reductio ad absurdum "proof" for the infinite universe, rather than direct evidence. Thanks for the insight.
  14. P

    Believing in an Infinite Universe: Reasons Explored

    Jesse, I'm afraid you're talking about unbounded, but finite universe (like the surface of a sphere). They're talking about infinite universe. Alexander Vilenski, for example, believes: There are good reasons to believe that the universe is infinite. If so, it contains an infinite...
  15. P

    Believing in an Infinite Universe: Reasons Explored

    I was reading the answers by some scientists (including Krauss) to the question "What do you believe but cannot prove" on, who say there are good reasons to believe the Universe is infinite. They don't mention what those reasons are, but I was wondering if somebody could comment on...