Recent content by Pbrunett

  1. P

    Simple Quantum Information Question

    Awesome, that's what I was hoping for. Thanks for the advice folks!
  2. P

    Simple Quantum Information Question

    Hey folks, I have a pretty simple quantum information question that I was hoping somebody could answer. let's say I have a pure state \ket{\psi} = \alpha \ket{10} + \beta \ket{11} + \gamma \ket{01} + \theta \ket{00}. I then perform a measurement on only the first qubit and observe a...
  3. P

    Distance Between Closed sets in a metric space

    yes, sorry, forgot to mention that we're talking about a generalized metric space. I must say that I have a hard time imagining a scenario where this (the aforementioned problem) is possible, I formerly operated under the assumption(read:intuition) that closed and disjoint in a metric space...
  4. P

    Distance Between Closed sets in a metric space

    Hey guys, thanks for looking at this. Ok, so we're given the distance, d(x,C) between a point, x, and a closed set C in a metric space to be: inf{d(x,y): for all y in C}. Then we have to generalize this to define the distance between two sets I'm fairly certain you can define it as: the...