Recent content by Pete137

  1. P

    Rotational exited states spin and parity

    Ok, i don't get what you mean with K, in QM you can know only one projection of an angular momentum operator. Is the body fixed axis z' the symmetry xis of the nucleus? What has spin to do with this? Assume the nucleus is even even and there are no nucleons exited. The only angular momentum it...
  2. P

    Why is the speed of light considered a constant in physics?

    The reason that the speed of light is constant is this: there is no preferred frame of reference. For all non accelerating observers physics is the same. This is a very beautifull and actually intuitive symmetry. If you know maxwell's equations of electromagnetism, you should conclude with the...
  3. P

    Why is the speed of light considered a constant in physics?

    A massless particle always travels at speed of light. This can be proved but i can't :(. I see it this way: if you have a massless particle not traveling at the speed of light, there exists a frame of reference in which the particle is at rest, but because the rest mass is zero, it's energy...
  4. P

    Understanding Gamma-Ray Decay Spin Rules

    I thought it was quadrupole radiation which is radiated in a d-wave thus corresponding to an orbital angular momentum of 2.
  5. P

    Gauss method for electric field evaluation.

    Why would you need the gauss method with 2 particles? Wat do you want to calculate with the 2 particles? The force of one on the other? The total field they produce?
  6. P

    Rotational exited states spin and parity

    Ok thanks, i thought he ment the parity operation. But still, why does this mirror symmetry prevents uneven I?
  7. P

    Understanding Gamma-Ray Decay Spin Rules

    Hi, When i studied gamma-decay i encountered a set of transition rules telling for each radiation type (E1,M1,E2,M2,...) which transitions where allowed. For instance: a gamma ray emmited by E2 changes the parity and I_{intial}=I_{final}+2. Where you must know how to add angular momentum...
  8. P

    Rotational exited states spin and parity

    Hi, If you have a even-even nuclei which is deformed, you get a rotational spectrum of 0+,2+,4+,... I don't understand why the parities are positive for even I and why all members of a rotational band must have the same parity. I read about this in Krane's book: an introduction to nuclear...