Recent content by pk1234

  1. P

    Determining convergence of a sum

    Thanks. If I prove that, should I then take a series of: b_k = a_2k-1 + a_2k, and say that for all k element N, b_k >= (1/10) * (1/2k) = 1/20k, which diverges?
  2. P

    Determining convergence of a sum

    I'd really appreciate some help with a sum of: a_n= |sin n| / n All I've thought of, is that I should probably create a subsequence of {a_n}, such that all the elements of this subsequence {a_n_k} are >epsilon >0, and then compare the subsequence to 1/n which diverges. However, I have no...
  3. P

    Is My Proof of the Cantor Bernstein Theorem Correct?

    Hi guys, I've got some problems with the cantor bernstein theorem. I'm having a hard time with all the proofs I've found, but I've actually come up with a proof myself... it will be no doubt wrong in some part though, so it would be great if you could check it for me and tell me what's wrong...
  4. P

    What is the L'Hospital proof problem regarding limits at a point?

    Oooh. I thought that 0/oo = 0, and instead it is undefined?
  5. P

    What is the L'Hospital proof problem regarding limits at a point?

    Why does g'(x) have to be a real valued function?
  6. P

    What is the L'Hospital proof problem regarding limits at a point?

    Thanks I think I'm starting to see where the problem is - When g'(x) doesn't exist by virtue of being "equal" to \infty the fraction doesn't exist. Why does it not exist, if it's equal to +oo?
  7. P

    When did you first encounter proof based mathematics?

    I'm in Europe. It's not like at my university everywhere, but generally across Europe, I think real analysis is compulsory for math students in first semester, if the school has any reputation. If you're a financial math student/informatics/physics however, the proofs aren't emphasized as much...
  8. P

    When did you first encounter proof based mathematics?

    First year at university now, the whole 1st semester is full of proofs in both real analysis and linear algebra. Quite different from high school - the only proofs I remember from there are things like "square root of 2 is an irrational number." Surprisingly, I find the real analysis proofs...
  9. P

    What is the L'Hospital proof problem regarding limits at a point?

    Hey guys, first year university math student here. I need some help explaining the proof used in the scripts I'm studying from - just part of the proof to be more precise. English isn't my first language and I don't have much experience writing/rewriting down proofs and I don't know how to write...