Recent content by pyroartist

  1. P

    Looking for simple mechanisim to shift wing camber

    I am not very good at visualizing mechanisms and how they work. I just looked at all the mechanisms at This is a fun little website and some of the mechanisms have been animated so you can better see how they function. I am trying to build a sailboat wing with...
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    Land Yachts -- Why don't cars and trucks also use sails?

    This problem has been well thought out in the past:
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    Is 532nm the Optimum Wavelength for Atmospheric Particle Tracking?

    In reading scientific papers on atmospheric pulsed Lidars there is often a table that includes system information such as the type of laser, the power in uJ or mJ and the rep rate. Examples of the power would be usually somewhere between 50 uJ and 30 mJ. Rep rates are between 10 and 10,000...
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    Easy tool to see a cross section?

    Tom, thanks for the link to the MeshMagic software. I loaded it and played with it for over an hour. I don't figure these things out easily. I finally got to draw a 3D oval tube as shown below but I don't see any way that this program will allow me to cut a cross-section and look at that cut as...
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    Easy tool to see a cross section?

    Ok, here is a sketch attached.
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    Easy tool to see a cross section?

    Thanks, this site is amazing. It sure does have lots of choices here. Just not the one I am looking for. I did plot the ellipse I need. It has an axial ratio of 2.2. But no way to see what an angled slice through it would look like. I am plotting the airflow across an elliptical tube at an...
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    Easy tool to see a cross section?

    Thanks AZFIREBALL. This looks like it might work for me if I can understand it all. I will have to lay this out on graph paper. I am not sure what the right figure is. Can you expand on which drawing is what?
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    Easy tool to see a cross section?

    I need to visualize what the cross section is of an oval tube is at angles of 10 degrees, 20, 30 up to 60. Is there an easy way to do this online somewhere or is there a mechanical drawing trick that can be done to see this result?
  9. P

    Troubleshooting: Dash Photon Detector for Car Aircon Recirculation Button

    Why not just do a little probing around under the dash and find the wire that turns on the light and connect it directly to a buzzer or a on-off buzzer driving circuit such as a 555 timer?
  10. P

    Boeing How Safe is the Boeing 737 Max's MCAS System?

    Does this plane have only one AOA sensor? If so, that is a problem right there. Everything that is flight critical should have redundancy. (I am a pilot.)
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    Homemade cloud chamber not working

    If it makes you feel any better I attempted to make a cloud chamber over 50 years ago when I was a teenager. I think I used denatured ethyl alcohol or wood alcohol. What ever they had in the hardware store. Mine did not work either! Tried several changes and eventually ran out of dry ice. No...
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    Radar System Design: Reduce Power & Range for 1km Reach

    Yes, you understand all the problems this application demands.
  13. P

    Radar System Design: Reduce Power & Range for 1km Reach

    anorlunda: I am a glider pilot too. So you guessed my application correctly. Yes, these devices do not exist in a usable form yet. However the technology of radar and lidar has been able to do this since the 1960s. If you search the scientific journals you will find many examples of this. I...
  14. P

    Radar System Design: Reduce Power & Range for 1km Reach

    Thanks for a very good idea! I have read about chirped signals and the fact that they improve the S to N ratio. Mathematically I don't understand how but if it works I may try it. The question is, do you think this method is likely to work detecting weak clear air refractive disturbances, maybe...
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    Radar System Design: Reduce Power & Range for 1km Reach

    Thanks Balulncore. So it looks like I get a large benefit by reducing the required range but it all gets washed away because of the lower antenna gain. Does that mean that my relative system sensitivity would be 47 db - 64 db = -17db ? Space, size and noise considerations make audio radar not...