Recent content by Roze

  1. R

    Elastic Potential Energy and SMH

    Homework Statement A simple harmonic oscillator has a total energy E. a) Determine the kinetic and potential energies when the displacement is one half the amplitude. b) For what value of the displacement does the kinetic energy equal the potential energy? Homework Equations PEs=...
  2. R

    Kirchhoff's Rules: Solving Homework Questions on Circuit Currents

    Homework Statement Find the currents in the circuit shown in the figure attached. Homework Equations I actually have the solution worked out but I don't understand why something was done. So they chose to travel the bottom loop and the top loop clockwise in both cases. So they set up the...
  3. R

    Force/Magnetism direction question (w/diagram)

    I agree with the answers you provided, but I am still new to the right hand rule so you probably want a better authority on it. How would this change if the charge was a negative one? In parts a and b I know the force would be opposite, but for c and d we are given the force in a direction, so...
  4. R

    Find the force on each side of the loop

    Homework Statement A single-turn square loop of wire 2.00 cm on a side carries a counterclockwise current of .200A. The loop is inside a solenoid, with the plane of the loop perpendicular to the magentic field of the solenoid. The solenoid has 30 turns per centimeter and carries a...
  5. R

    Force Exerted on a Falling Ball: Solving for Average

    I love it when the book is lying to me! Thank you, I'm glad I didn't do everything totally wrong and that makes sense now. Thanks again!
  6. R

    Force Exerted on a Falling Ball: Solving for Average

    I figured that when they asked for average acceleration they wanted me to pick a bunch of points, find the force at each, and then average them together. Which may be my principle flaw in this problem... But I said that as the ball is dropped it has a force of (.5)(-9.8)= -4.9m/s2 and that as...
  7. R

    Force Exerted on a Falling Ball: Solving for Average

    I got 7378.4N but the book says the answer is 1400N
  8. R

    Force Exerted on a Falling Ball: Solving for Average

    Also, in response to kplooksafter me, I didn't look at this problem from an impulse perspective because it is a question in a chapter before we covered impulses, so theoretically I should be able to do it without any knowledge of impulse. Which is what I attempted, however unsuccessfully.
  9. R

    Force Exerted on a Falling Ball: Solving for Average

    I thought about that, but when I plug in the velocities: 19.79-(-24.5)/.002 I get a positive acceleration (22145), which doesn't make sense to me because I think the ball should be slowing down not speeding up during the impact. Also, with that answer plugged into the average of the rest of...
  10. R

    Force Exerted on a Falling Ball: Solving for Average

    Homework Statement After falling from rest from a height of 30m, a .50 kg ball rebounds upward, reaching a height of 20m. If the contact between ball and ground lasted 2.0ms, what average force was exerted on the ball?The Attempt at a Solution What I did was drew a nice little picture with...
  11. R

    Analyzing Force and Mass Data: Finding the Force of a Fan

    Ah, I understand the confusion here. The full question here is: Another group of students did a similar experiment, only instead of varying the number of batteries in the fan (which is what we did) they added mass to the cart and measured the acceleration of the cart. So they are not changing...
  12. R

    Analyzing Force and Mass Data: Finding the Force of a Fan

    The question asked me to graph their data, the one in the chart that was probably hard to read on the initial question. I probably should have included the 1/mass data as well. The chart was this: mass (kg) acceleration (m/s^2) .535 .58 .735 .40 .935...
  13. R

    Analyzing Force and Mass Data: Finding the Force of a Fan

    This is part of a lab I have to do, where we did an experiment with a car on a track and a fan, increasing and decreasing the number of batteries in the car to see the effect on its acceleration. Another group of students did a similar experiment, only instead of varying the number of...