Recent content by S = k log w

  1. S

    Music Discovering Classical Music: Suggestions Welcome!

    I like Mendelsohn's Violin Concerto (I also like Tschaikovsky and Brahm's).
  2. S

    Did Van Gogh's Seizure Disorder Lead to His Infamous Ear Cutting Incident?

    Much of what you have posted is false. "People with simple and complex seizures do hear voices.." Only a few people 'hear voices'. Some people hear noises, few actually hear voices. I have never heard of anyone attempting to mask any noise with cotton, nor with headphones, nor have I have...
  3. S

    Politically Correct? Discover the Definition - I'm Feeling Lucky

    At a Google search, try searching "politically correct", click on the I'm feeling lucky tab.
  4. S

    Did Van Gogh's Seizure Disorder Lead to His Infamous Ear Cutting Incident?

    How can I tell the difference between an Epileptic, a Bi-Polar, and a Schizophenic?
  5. S

    Mental Illness, what is it?

    Some of the genetic links may be polymorphisms.
  6. S

    Is the concept of strings still relevant in modern physics?

    We can't "escape the conclusion that physics is a mathematical description of logic when we impose the requirement of logic and mathematics on our physics to begin with". This is my point. How can we avoid agnst? Do all theories lead to questions? It is certainly fun to pursue this, but is it...
  7. S

    Is the concept of strings still relevant in modern physics?

    Agnst It has been historically true that one theory of what is the most fundamental conceptual unit of existence had later been challanged by another theory of something even smaller, (and/or larger). I would like to know an elequent 'theory of everything'. Is it possible that there is no...
  8. S

    Heat resistant and truly frictionless substance

    Motors, generators, transporation, farming and food prodution, computers, manufacturing, many applications in medicine, sports, weapons... Painting your sidewalk with frictionless paint might mistake, but frictionless siding on a house would keep it clean.
  9. S

    Good demonstrative project in physics

    Explain why it works.
  10. S

    Good demonstrative project in physics

    Find out what actually makes a pin makes a balloon burst, and what a piece of tape can do to prevent it. Does a latex balloon act the same way as the cheap plastic ones? Why?
  11. S

    What is Mass? Is it just a concept or does it truly exist?

    Mass is a tangable (or it's mathematical model) that the convention which we call the world, exists. You could chase the many theories until you had reached existentalist angst. You still have to get up in the morning and put on your clothes. They have mass. They do exist. My goodness, so do you.
  12. S

    What is the morpology of an electron?

    By shape, I mean a set defined limits the parameter(s) of boundries of the photon cloud. The fact that a photon can not be seen does not mean that it cannot be mathematically expressed. A photon, for example, does not escape from a black hole. What would it's physics be, if it were a 'rubber...
  13. S

    What is the morpology of an electron?

    Does an electron have a diameter? Does it have a shape? If so, do either one change as light is bent by gravity? What happens to the shape/diameter in, or near, a black hole? If there are any changes, do they affect the properties (laws) of the photon? Can one part of a photon be out of phase...
  14. S

    Is the concept of strings still relevant in modern physics?

    How can a string be elemental if it can be cut into smaller strings, or for that matter if it can be cut? Wouldn't an absolute findamental be indivisable? If a string needed time or space in which to exist, then how can bit be fundamental? To say that it exists but is fundamental is rather like...