Recent content by sadhu

  1. S

    Schools Grad school for phd in NANOTECH?

    Grad school for phd in NANOTECH?? I am planning for a Phd in Nanotechnology, particularly related to Molecular robotics/NEMS/MEMS/ and even nano-composites may do..though its not my first choice currently i am pursuing B.Tech in Mech engg...and have Cumulative gpa (till 6th sem) of 8.7/10...
  2. S

    Bullet Penetration: Kinetic Energy vs Momentum

    well not going into two much practical details of ballistics , consider two bullets identical in shape and physical properties execpt mass b1,b2 considering no loss of energy E(bullet)=P^2/2m E(gun)=P^2/2M Eb + Eg=constant(k) P^2=(2k /(1/M + 1/m)) M is constant on increasing mass of...
  3. S

    How to Calculate 3D Projectile Movement with Initial Vectors?

    the same that would be for 1D taking time as parameter(t) S=ut+0.5at*t where S,u,a are vector quantities so now writting in orthogonal for Sz=Uz *t + 0.5 Az *t*t Sz=component in zdirection similiarly the rest of others now the path would be parabolic but u might not necceserly get...
  4. S

    Wave Propagation in Discreate Mediums - Help Needed

    sorry but i can't figure how phonons are related to the ques. may be because i have yet not studied abt phonons , so let's take sound waves (vibrations) traveling through a metal bock which is constitued by metal atoms at finite distances ,now can u explain how wave travel through it by...
  5. S

    Wave Propagation in Discreate Mediums - Help Needed

    ya correct as distance tends to 0 speed acquires a finite value but wat i am asking is that only continuous medium has infinite oscilators(particles) wat abt real medium like a crytal which has finite no. of particles at a finite distance how can it behave like a continuous medium plx...
  6. S

    Wave Propagation in Discreate Mediums - Help Needed

    consider three particles A B C when wave reaches A immidiately(after infinisimial time interval) a force act on B but since in solids the particles are at finite distance the speed which is distance/time must go infinite how does one explain that real mediums act as continuous please help
  7. S

    Wave Propagation in Discreate Mediums - Help Needed

    what about instantaneous transfer of vibration between neighbouring particles at finite distances making speed infinite(not taking the fact that force spreads with the velocity of light)is continuous medium distance between neighbouring particles is infinitesimial so is time taken for vibration...
  8. S

    Wave Propagation in Discreate Mediums - Help Needed

    i got stuck in this doubt for past four years thinking that in higher classes i might get to know enough to answer the question ..but as you can see i am still in the pipeline.. thanks andy resnick i ,ll google on that..
  9. S

    Wave Propagation in Discreate Mediums - Help Needed

    i have a doubt in wave propagation in solids wave propagation i have studied in school is in continuous medium but real mediums are discreate how will we understnd wave propagation in them -for wave to transfer from one particle to next takes infinitesimial time but since in continuous medium...
  10. S

    Speed of transfer of disturbance in E,M field

    well in that working we first assumed that electromagnetic waves are longitudinal and then prooved that such waves are not consistent with gauss law and don't exist but just mentioning that in a traverse wave the front and back face of parrellelopiprd will be// to electric field henceflux=0...
  11. S

    Speed of transfer of disturbance in E,M field

    hey gearo here is the working 1)imagine a 3-d cordinate system 2) now suppose a longitudinal wave is traveling along X-axis (left To Right) 3)mark a pont on the X axis 4)draw a parallelopiped at that point of dimension(dx,dy,dz) closedintegral(E) charge withen the...
  12. S

    Speed of transfer of disturbance in E,M field

    well my teacher while prooving the transverse nature of EM wave used it on time varying field
  13. S

    Speed of transfer of disturbance in E,M field

    what i have studied is that any change in the electric field travels in space with the speed of light...right suppose any electric field generated by an infinite plane sheet of charge E=\sigma/2\epsilon...where \sigma is surface charge density now suppose \sigma is doubled...
  14. S

    Energy Conservation in Non-Inertial Frames: Real Work?

    in non inertial frames , a pseudo force act on the bodies but is the work done by this force is real? if it is ,will the law of energy conservation hold in non inertial frames too , as everything is gaining velocity due to pseudo acceleration.
  15. S

    Finding the recoil energy of an excited atom when it de-excites

    I know that i am commiting some serious errors in this , but just can't notice them suppose we have to find the recoil energy of an excited atom when it de excites suppose the total energy of the process is E an atom will emit a photon on returning to normal state . energy of the photon...