Recent content by SocratesRedux

  1. S

    B Is the Edge of the Universe Defined by the Cosmic Microwave Background?

    Sorry, your "logic" doesn't work for me. If we -our solar system-are only 4.5 Billion years old, then the light emitting from what ever time period you speculate must have "passed" us some 4.5 Billion years ago. As such, it would be the "edge" of our universe. The Planck institute has visualized...
  2. S

    B Is the Edge of the Universe Defined by the Cosmic Microwave Background?

    One could then calculate that a beam of light from the big bang aftermath was something less than 13.6 Billion years old, but was still traveling further every second. BB+13.6Y+=Universe Edge. Is the light beam we see on Earth 9 Billion years old? Can we speculate that there is light emitting...
  3. S

    Nextgen SSOlar, Efficiency, Broadcast Power

    Would the efficiency gained in an orbital Solar generating facility be mitigated by some/degree of diffusion loss when transmitting, say by microwave. through an atmosphere? Is the rate of efficiency growth in solar panels comparable to that of computer chips? (I think the answer is no). And...
  4. S

    Stanford Solar Research: Carbon Dioxide Idea to Create Flexible Panels

    Sorry, my Avatar insits on typing "d" for "f" STANFORD- CALIFORNIA
  5. S

    Stanford Solar Research: Carbon Dioxide Idea to Create Flexible Panels

    You seem to be explaining an origination process, not an extractive/conversion process. The objective is to separate the Carbon from the O, so that it can be used in the deposit process of manufacturing Solar panels as outlined by Standord U. If electricity could be used in the process, then...
  6. S

    Stanford Solar Research: Carbon Dioxide Idea to Create Flexible Panels

    A Standord Solar Research Post about a new Solar Membrane Panel, flexible for a wide variety of uses, (clothing rechargers anyone?), offered that the panel design includes deposition of Carbon atoms extracted from Methane. My concept went to extracting Carbon Atoms from Carbon Dioxide and...
  7. S

    Combustion Engines: Can Oxygen Be Used?

    Can pure oxygen be used in internal combusion gas or diesel engines? If no, what percentage could be used?