Recent content by soumya_26in

  1. S

    Calculating the Mass of a Piece of Glass Using Archimedes' Principle

    actually both prblms were in my class eleven's final Q paper.i have tried 1) as follows: 1)let, mass of the glass piece=m gms In 1st case, apparent wt of metal=(20-20/d1),d1=density of the metal & apparent wt of glass=(m-m/d2),d2=density of the glass by the prblm, 20-20/d1=m-m/d2.....(i) In case...
  2. S

    Calculating the Mass of a Piece of Glass Using Archimedes' Principle

    actually both prblms were in my class eleven's final Q paper.i have tried 1) as follows: 1)let, mass of the glass piece=m gms In 1st case, apparent wt of metal=(20-20/d1),d1=density of the metal & apparent wt of glass=(m-m/d2),d2=density of the...
  3. S

    Calculating the Mass of a Piece of Glass Using Archimedes' Principle

    1.a piece of metal of weight 20gms has equal apparent weight with a piece of glass when both are suspended from the arms of a balance and immersed in water(density 1).if water is replaced by alcohol(density 0.96), 0.84gms must be added to the pan from which the metal is suspended to restore...