Recent content by swill777

  1. S

    Problem Introducing Me to Sliding Friction

    I'm going through the problems at the back of a chapter in my physics book where all the challenging questions are. I'm able to solve most and comprehend the rest, however, there's one that's introducing a new concept that I'm not quite sure how to think about. Its a situation where I'm...
  2. S

    Use derivative of volume to find weight of a shpere

    Find out how much material you have, and use the density to find the weight.
  3. S

    Problem with finding time from projectile motion problem

    Yup, the degree/radian mix up will get ya. I've had to make it a habit to check my setting every time I deal with trig. Glad you got the right answer, though!
  4. S

    Problem with finding time from projectile motion problem

    This is wrong. The time it takes for the projectile to land depends only in the y direction. Therefore, your equation should reflect only the motion of the projectile in the y direction. your velocity should therefore be 65sin(37°)m/s instead of simply 65m/s as you have here. This is the...
  5. S

    How Can I Deepen My Understanding of Infinite Series and Sequences?

    Hello. Having already learned about infinite series and sequences in my calculus class, I'm quite interested in them and especially in learning more about them. If any of you have in mind any good books on the subject which you can recommend to me, it will be very much appreciated...