Recent content by sy7kenny

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    Specific Heat at constant pressure for photon gas

    Homework Statement A blackbody photon gas is contained within an evacuated cavity (V = 0.01 m^3). Calculate C_p for the photon gas at T = 1000K Homework Equations C_p - C_v = T(\frac{\partial S} {\partial V}) (\frac{\partial V}{\partial T}) C_v = T(\frac{\partial S} {\partial T}) S =...
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    How Does Removing High Energy Atoms Affect Temperature and Pressure in a Gas?

    My bad. From the text I found, the energy is: E = integral ( 0 to cutoff velocity) ( 1/2 * m *v^2 * f(v) dv) , then uses the value to find T2, where T2 = E/kB. And I have T2 and number of remaining atoms, getting P2 should be no problem. Thanks for the help!
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    How Does Removing High Energy Atoms Affect Temperature and Pressure in a Gas?

    Hmm sorry DrClaude, I am still a bit confused. Does it mean sense that if I integrate from 0 to cutoff velocity ( f(v) dv) and set it = 1, I can find a temperature that satisfy this?
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    How Does Removing High Energy Atoms Affect Temperature and Pressure in a Gas?

    That means if I can find the total energy in state 1, I can also find what is left in state 2? Thanks for your fast reply DrClaude.
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    How Does Removing High Energy Atoms Affect Temperature and Pressure in a Gas?

    Homework Statement Helium gas with T1 = 500K and P1 = 0.02MPa in a rigid container with volume V = 1 cm^3. Then Helium goes through a process where atoms with kinetic energies greater than kB*T1, where kB is Boltzmann constant, are instantaneously removed from the container. Atoms remaining...