Recent content by tc

  1. T

    Career Opportunities for Math Majors

    i am an undergraduate and studying maths major. actually, i want to know what kind of jobs, except teaching, doing research in institutes and any other highly academic related ones, are suitable for a maths people? (as i am not interested in working in college ...) Or is there any job which...
  2. T

    Probability question help

    how to solve it.. what is the probability that each player has a hand containing an ace when the 52 cards of a standard deck are dealt to four players?
  3. T

    Discrete maths problem-counting

    how many bit strings of length 8 contain either three consecutive 0s or four consecutive 1s?
  4. T

    Is math a good thing to study? is it broad?

    wt job will u do after studying major maths/econ ?
  5. T

    Vectors Property: Necessary & Sufficient Conditions

    Consider N vectors, V_1 ... V_N, (not all zero) in an N-dimensional space. Project these vectors to a 2-dimensional plane, P. Let us denote the results for the i'th vector as (a_i,b_i) in Cartesian coordinates defined on the plane. We will be interested in considering these coordinates as a...
  6. T

    Eigenvalues Problem: Show Inverse of Diagonalizable Matrix A

    let A be a diagonalizable matrix with eignvalues = x1, x2, ..., xn the characteristic polynomial of A is p (x) = a1 (x)^n + a2 (x)^n-1 + ...+an+1 show that inverse A = q (A) for some polynomial q of degree less than n