Recent content by the_force

  1. T

    Where can I learn Quick math - Help

    Holy crap, I must of been looking at a different book from his. Strange. Thanks though, ill go order that now :) Has anyone read it? is it just for 5th graders teaching basic math?
  2. T

    Where can I learn Quick math - Help

    Mainly large multiplication - 3943 x 94 , 12 x 385, and so on for a start.
  3. T

    Where can I learn Quick math - Help

    Hey Have you read Trachtenberg's book? Can you tell me a little about it, before I drop $90 on it :) ? Thanks!
  4. T

    Where can I learn Quick math - Help

    Hey Yea thought so :) I don't mean I want to do the calculation in my head in 5 seconds, just being able to do large multiplication calculations in my head you know. I thought I seen once a website that had a program that can teach you to do large multiplication calculations...hmmm...
  5. T

    Where can I learn Quick math - Help

    Where can I learn "Quick" math - Help Hi, I don't mave MUCH of a Math back ground, mainly math used for the line of work I am in (Currency Analyst) and programming. However, i was just inspired by a film I watched about a math expert, who can do calculations in his head like 89 x 437, in...
  6. T

    Maybe a Financial Math section?

    Hey Ok, I started a Post in the General Math section. Is that good? Thanks, TF
  7. T

    Financial Math - For people who with Financial math related problems.

    This is a spawn from the suggestion forum where I suggested we start a Financial Math/engineering sub-forum in the math section. I am just testing the waters to see if there is enough interest in financial related math/engineering. I am able to answer any qustions regarding Financial...
  8. T

    Maybe a Financial Math section?

    :smile: I'll send it right over Well, if this thing happens, I plan to help out as much as possible! I really look forward to it :) Just want to get some mods to reply and tell me what I should do to test the waters. Thanks again, take care.
  9. T

    Maybe a Financial Math section?

    Hey Thanks to both of you :) I think this would be a great addition to PF, since there are no good forums out there on Financial math. I started my own financial/hedge/risk management forum, but it never took off. :cry: lol Maybe insted of a Mod, I could be an "Advisor" or "Homework...
  10. T

    Maybe a Financial Math section?

    I was thinking it would be a good idea if this forum has a little sub-forum for financial math or financial engineering? We could include algorithms, and advanced models and a whole bunch of things that are related to financial math. I have the credentials to mod it, but of course don't...
  11. T

    Why is there a decline in interest in science majors among US citizens?

    Hey I think it is because this country (USA and Canada:) ) has grown to love money and possession. You give people an option of spending over 4 to 8 years in school taking physics - maybe longer - and at the end of it, you get maybe 50k starting out, or spend the same amount of time in school...
  12. T

    Radiation Basics | Health Physics Society

    Hey Great post! Thank you :)
  13. T

    How Can We Effectively Destroy An Asteroid Headed for Earth?

    Hey Thanks for that article, good read! Geez, I think Putin wants the cold war back in light of recent events
  14. T

    How Can We Effectively Destroy An Asteroid Headed for Earth?

    Hey Thanks Morbius for clearing up the BALONEY :) Does Russia still make nuclear weapons?
  15. T

    How Can We Effectively Destroy An Asteroid Headed for Earth?

    Hey Yea, we are making more bombs like SRAM-T, insted of the megaton nukes that were created in the cold war. I read a journal that stated the USA still has Nuclear missiles locked onto Russia and vice versa. Does anyone think we will see a nuclear exchange in our life time?