Recent content by trinitron

  1. T

    How many times has a prof's work been cited?

    I'd use this:
  2. T

    Textbook question - number of states

    Hi all, I've been going through Becker and Schwarz this summer and I'm a bit stuck at the moment. I'm not sure if this is better suited for the homework forum, so feel free to move it. For those that have the book, this is page 52, eq 2.143. Given the number operator, N =...
  3. T

    Are Honors Math Programs Worth Pursuing in College?

    I have to put in my two cents here and say that I don't think this could be further from the truth. As a Michigan student, here is the comparison I will make: Our honors math program is quite good, and our physics one is really lacking. Looking back on my first two years here I can say that my...
  4. T

    International textbooks vs us print

    Such disclaimers that companies write on their products don't carry any legally weight. Same goes for the EULA on software.
  5. T

    Independent Learning [relativity books] I haven't read this particular book but I've read another book by French (vibrations) and it was very good. This one seems to be well received.
  6. T

    The 'hazing' that is Jackson: Is it necessary to understand EM?

    The point of homework sets is to prepare you to do research. If you can't do basic problems you won't be able to derive a result for your next paper either. While I personally think that Jackson is a terrible book and does little to teach the underlying theory, a blanket criticism of all problem...
  7. T

    Programs I want to build and design weapons, what to major in?

    "well see. I don't want war. I hate war. But I believe the best way to prevent war is to have the best weapons. " And how is it that the last twenty years haven't convinced you that this point of view is flawed?
  8. T

    Rejected by fate? or something.

    Yes, all those elites are wasting their money sending their kids to Exeter. Or maybe it works.
  9. T

    How Do I Work Out the Anti-Commutation Relations in QFT? (Srednicki)

    I guess I'm not entirely sure what it means to say that it transforms as the adjoint representation. Doesn't this mean that if I restrict the map T_{N\times\bar{N}}^a to the subspace defined by the first parenthesis, it should act as the adjoint, which is defined by (T^a)^b_c=-if^{abc} (where f...
  10. T

    How Do I Work Out the Anti-Commutation Relations in QFT? (Srednicki)

    Ok, new question, this time from Steve Martin's phenomenology notes ( ). On page 160, eq 9.78, the claim is that the first term transforms as an adjoint representation and the second as a singlet. I'm trying to verify this by using eq 9.29, the...
  11. T

    Exploring Branes and M-Theory: A Student's Research Project Journey

    Here is a good guide to the mathematics that you will need: As far as physics, I assume that you should be familiar with GR and quantum field theory before you begin learning string theory.
  12. T

    How Do I Work Out the Anti-Commutation Relations in QFT? (Srednicki)

    No problem, just wanted to make sure I had things straight. I'll probably have more questions soon :)
  13. T

    How Do I Work Out the Anti-Commutation Relations in QFT? (Srednicki)

    Indeed it does, thanks! Though I think there is a missing (or extra, if you like) \gamma^0 in your third line. Since \overline{\Psi}=\Psi^{\dag}\gamma^0, should we not have \Psi^*_i \gamma^0_{ij} \gamma^0_{jk} u_k?
  14. T

    How Do I Work Out the Anti-Commutation Relations in QFT? (Srednicki)

    I have been working through Srednicki this summer to teach myself qft, and all too often I've gotten stuck on a small point and ended up spending a great deal of time clearing it up by myself. While this is probably an important part of the learning process, I am progressing a bit too slowly, so...
  15. T

    Struggling Senior: Should I Take the Risk?

    "My problem is, since my grades are suffering, I'm not sure which college to accept admission at. I'd like to go to the University of Washington but I am afraid when I send them my final transcripts I will be denied admittance and by this time I believe it will be too late to accept any place...