Recent content by yands

  1. Y

    Projectile motion: determine launch angle

    You have to find the range in terms of the initial angle then try to optimize it . That is how I solved it . You have to think why one needs an optimization approach to solve this problem.
  2. Y

    Projectile motion: determine launch angle

    There is inconsistency , the questions on the attachment and the problem statement you provided . I would like to help you but there are some ambiguity .
  3. Y

    Integral Help: Calculate cos^2(x) Integral

    You know cos^2(2x) is non-negative so it means 1+ cos^2(2x) is always positive Use the fact that 1+cos^2(2x) is bounded to evaluate this integral .
  4. Y

    Vector position, velocity, coordinates and speed

    It's stated that you have to find the position vector as a function of time. you are correct writing R(0) = 0i + 0j , but this is for the displacement at time t = 0. Think of this as a projectile motion in a gravitational field. R here is a vector.
  5. Y

    Places electric potential is zero when 2 charges

    The total Electric potential due to these two charges at the red cross must be summed as scalars. So write down the potentials as a sum to find the total potentials that's it.
  6. Y

    Projectile Motion (find theta)

    I'm sorry for late response I got lectures :) So you still solving the problem?
  7. Y

    Projectile Motion (find theta)

    You see at the top point V is just Vx so can you relate this to the given information.
  8. Y

    Projectile Motion (find theta)

    Decompose the velocity vector. At the top which component of velocity is zero? Use this idea to find the ratio. As you mentioned
  9. Y

    How Long Will It Take Sam to Catch Up to John?

    For Sam to catch John both of them should have the same point in space
  10. Y

    Describing A Mathematical Result

    Can you write the question as it is supposed to be written.
  11. Y

    How Do You Calculate Acceleration and Total Distance in a Car's Journey?

    A car start from rest accelerate . Is it constant acceleration? And you have to show us some of your work
  12. Y

    Maximum Deviation Angle in Elastic Collision

    Can you try using sin(a+b) = Sin(a)cos(b)...
  13. Y

    Maximum Deviation Angle in Elastic Collision

    Ok initially the momentum has only x coordinates . So you have to have zero y-component of momentum after the collision
  14. Y

    How to find the distance of a satellite with respect to the moon

    Think as you set on a long stick and ur friend is away from you who is setting on the stick too the stick is fixed in the middle and the ends oscillate up and down like kids game in the garden. You will see him stationary. Because you both are moving with same angular velocity. So ! Use this...