Recent content by Zeedr

  1. Zeedr

    What materials can a star produce before dying?

    Yes there is, if a star's mass is large enough to start fusing helium nuclei, then it will become a red supergiant, and typically, the larger the mass of a main sequence star, the larger a red supergiant will be. If the star is unable to fuse helium, it becomes a red giant - but with an edge...
  2. Zeedr

    What materials can a star produce before dying?

    Hey, if you are calculating the star processes in such detail, why not go for broke and try and account for the doppler effect? Like if you land on an asteroid moving fast away from the star, it looks red, if you are on an asteroid heading straight for it, it looks more blue.
  3. Zeedr

    Is this idea remotely possible in the distant future?

    I see exactly what you mean, though "scientific advances" in this fictional universe have discovered that dark matter takes up less space than we thought it did, but has the same mass as in our calculations, leading to theories on the relationships between dark matter and gravitons etc. Also...
  4. Zeedr

    Is this idea remotely possible in the distant future?

    Which idea is that? Or is it both of them, and could you specify which particular laws (although bear in mind, the potential universe has alien and humans occupying it as well as prediscovered "jump points" that act as a form of safe wormhole between two points)?
  5. Zeedr

    Is this idea remotely possible in the distant future?

    Okay, thanks - although I've tried to focus on some of the details because its merely a brainchild of mine, that if it were to be used in any particular capacity would be to flesh out some lore in a sci-fi game. Thanks for your help though :)
  6. Zeedr

    What Should I Study in Uni: Physics or Economics?

    Hey, I'm Alex, I'm not entirely sure what I want to study at Uni yet, but it could be physics or economics, I'll mainly post random sci-fi queries, bye.
  7. Zeedr

    Is this idea remotely possible in the distant future?

    Hello, I was just brainstorming for futuristic inventions with context for a sci-fi, high fidelity game (because I'm too cool to revise for exams) - and I thought of one, but my physics and engineering knowledge is at best sketchy when it comes to gravity and nuclear fusion combinations, I was...