Recent content by zzz3293

  1. Z

    My new U substitution approach? is this legal?

    I don't believe that would work. I mean you couldn't really take a second indefinite integral because you must add a constant when integrating.
  2. Z

    Expand and simplify this formula

    Just to add on a tid bit, Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally is a little bit better--Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction.
  3. Z

    Expand and simplify this formula

    kind of, just remember you don't multiply by something you're adding i.e. 3a+a(6-2a)=9a-2a^2 NOT 18a^2-6a^3 do you follow?
  4. Z

    Double integral, polar coordinates

    I wouldn't do this in polar, though the x^2+y^2 makes it tempting... Draw out the triangle and figure out the equations for the lines that make it up, use these lines as your bounds for your double integral.
  5. Z

    Finding the Volume using a triple integral

    Got it! Now I just need to evaluate which shouldn't be a problem, thanks so much!
  6. Z

    Finding the Volume using a triple integral

    I drew it in the xy plane and am looking at it in grapher, I understand the y bounds now, but x and z are still confusing, should x be -3<x<3? I have absolutely no idea how to go about solving for z...
  7. Z

    Finding the Volume using a triple integral

    Homework Statement Find the volume of the solid bounded by the cylinder x^2+y^2=9 and the planes y+z=5 and z=1Homework Equations NoneThe Attempt at a Solution My main problem is setting up the integral. So far what I have is 1 as the integrand, my order of integration is dydxdz and my bounds...