Can the human mind be simplified to a binary model of ones and zeroes?

  • Thread starter KattyGenovese
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    Human Mind
In summary, the conversation discusses the question of whether a binary model accurately represents the neural structure of the human mind. While there are some basic digital-like features of neurons, such as spike trains and discrete point-to-point connections, there is also a ton of complexity and the language of dynamics may better explain their behavior. Additionally, the "all or none law" stating that an action potential is either fired or not, is not entirely accurate as the slope of the spike can vary and influence the output of the neuron. It is also noted that neurons can be inhibitory, excitatory, or both at the same time, depending on the population of receptors they are innervating. Finally, the conversation touches on the complexity of neurons and their
  • #1
First of all, I apologize if this issue has been covered before.

Would it be accurate to say that, given that a neuron is either in a resting potential or action potential, that a binary model would be representative of the neural structure human mind, or would this be too simplistic of an analogy?

This is of course not to say that such a mechanism is solely responsible for cognition and behaviour--chemical (and non electrical) exchanges do occur between the synapses, for example. However, these actions are triggered by the current flowing to the synapses, and assuming that such cognition operates on a purely biological level, would it be accurate to say that at the lowest level of function, our minds fundamentally operate on ones and zeroes?
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  • #2
KattyGenovese said:
Would it be accurate to say that, given that a neuron is either in a resting potential or action potential, that a binary model would be representative of the neural structure human mind, or would this be too simplistic of an analogy?

That's way too simple - but still a good question.

Remember that any living neuron is in fact always firing off action potentials, so what changes is the rate. This can be sped up or slowed down by feedback from other neurons.

Then timing is also crucial, as synchronising with other neurons is more important than just firing.

And the decision of neurons to fire is finely tuned to global attentional states, so that some of the time, a neuron may fire to anything that looks close to its preferred input, at other times (when we are attentively seeking something) it will only fire (speed up, get synchronised) to a far more narrowly specific stimulus. It depends what the other neurons it is connected to are telling it to do.

So the way to look at it is that there are some very basic digital-like features of neurons. Such as spike trains. And also the fact that they have "wiring patterns" which make discrete point-to-point connections. So yes, this makes them seem to be information processing components.

But then there is just a ton of complexity after that. And the language of dynamics may account for it better. Certainly, it is no longer clear that neurons are just doing "information processing" in any strict computational sense.
  • #3
Way too simplistic. There are many intrinsic currents underlying the action potential, and of course the action potential itself is not a step function, the activation function is closer to a hyperbolic tangent.

For a single neuron, this doesn't matter too much, but for large networks of coupled neurons (especially where gap junction coupling is highly expressed) it can make a big difference in the behavior that emerges.
  • #4
Thanks for the replies.

Also, I'm a bit confused as to the exact meaning of the "all or none law". My textbook states that "either an action potential is fired, or it does not...and the action potential is always the same". Then again, it's a first-year course textbook. What exactly is "meaningful output" (aside from rate) given such a constant sized action potential?

Pythagorean's post seems to imply that the "slope" of the spike matters by stressing that it's akin to a hyperbolic function--as opposed to a stepwise function. So would that mean that at each potential level along the spike (e.g., -70, -40, +40, etc.) these differences generate different outputs?

@apeiron: What do you mean by "information processing"? Do you mean to say that neurons aren't input-processing-output units?
  • #5
KattyGenovese said:
@apeiron: What do you mean by "information processing"? Do you mean to say that neurons aren't input-processing-output units?

They are not signalling 1s by spiking and 0s when not spiking. They are not simple logic gates, despite their "integrate and fire" design. They are not even transforming input to output in a simple sense (a cortical neuron has far more feedback connections than "input" ones).

It is just like the workings of the eye. First thing you learn is how the eye is like a camera. Then you can spend the rest of a career why it is much more complicated than that.
  • #6
apeiron said:
Remember that any living neuron is in fact always firing off action potentials, so what changes is the rate. This can be sped up or slowed down by feedback from other neurons.

Sorry I just woke up and my brain isn't running up to full speed yet, so I may not be understanding you here correctly, but are you saying that neurons are only inhibitory here by "off action potentials"?

If so that isn't right, neurons can be inhibitory, excitation or even both at the same time depending on the populations of receptors they are innervating.
  • #7
think apeiron meant "firing off" action potentials, not firing "off action potentials".

Katty said:
Pythagorean's post seems to imply that the "slope" of the spike matters by stressing that it's akin to a hyperbolic function--as opposed to a stepwise function. So would that mean that at each potential level along the spike (e.g., -70, -40, +40, etc.) these differences generate different outputs?

It depends on where you measure the "output". In a single neuron, downstream the axon, it shouldn't make a difference for a true all-or-nothing (integrate and fire) neuron (note that not all neurons are integrators, some are resonators; who knows what else is in there. Resonators can have a half-assed action potential).

But prior to the axon hillock, the initial current that was larger or smaller will add to the underlying intrinsic passive currents of the neuron, particularly with respect to reflection of potential waves upstream through the dendrites. (So signals coming from the dendrites, which is what you simulate with injected current, can 'reflect' off of the soma back upstream through the dendrites, the energy doesn't just disappear).

This is important for networks of neurons because you have now modified the interaction between the neuron and neurons upstream of it.
  • #8
bobze said:
Sorry I just woke up and my brain isn't running up to full speed yet, so I may not be understanding you here correctly, but are you saying that neurons are only inhibitory here by "off action potentials"?

If so that isn't right, neurons can be inhibitory, excitation or even both at the same time depending on the populations of receptors they are innervating.

Yes, I did say both sped up or slowed down.
  • #9
The basic concept of an action potential is similar to that of a logic gate persay, but not exactly, because the charge of the interior of the upper axon determines whether the ion channel that allow sodium into the cell activates or "opens", this influx of sodium (which forms a positive ion) increases the positivity of the interior of the axon, which stimulates more channels allowing positively charged ions into the cell, once the total polarity of the interior becomes positive (flips) it deactivates the channels and activates potassium channels to allow positive potassium into the interstitial fluid surrounding the axon, and then the original sodium channels must go a period of deactivation (complexity is increased here) before firing again, of course the rate of firing is key in many neurological functions, however the part where I see complexity arising is during the synaptic-dendritic reactions that occur when increased positivity from the fired action potential causes the production of neurotransmitters that cause the lysogenic excretion of neurotransmitters into the synapse. The amount and type of neurotransmitter depends upon the state of the cell (an oxygen starved cell, or a cell that had undergone repeated firing would likely produce less neurotransmitter than one that had not). Since the amount of neurotransmitter and structure of surrounding neurons affects the consequent firing of connected neurons, this is a seriously complex system no longer described by the logic gate like scenario.

FAQ: Can the human mind be simplified to a binary model of ones and zeroes?

1. What is the significance of 1s and 0s in relation to the human mind?

The use of 1s and 0s, also known as binary code, is significant in the context of the human mind because it is the basis for how computers and technology process and store information. The human mind is often compared to a computer, as it also processes and stores information through electrical signals in the brain. Understanding binary code can help us better understand the complexities of the human mind.

2. How do 1s and 0s relate to artificial intelligence and human consciousness?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is created and programmed using binary code, just like any other computer program. This means that AI is essentially a collection of 1s and 0s that simulate human thought and behavior. However, the human mind is much more complex than a computer program, as it has consciousness and emotions, which are not yet fully understood or able to be replicated by AI.

3. Can 1s and 0s be used to map or model the human brain?

While binary code can be used to represent and analyze certain aspects of the human brain, such as neural networks, it is not possible to fully map or model the complexity of the human brain using just 1s and 0s. The brain is made up of billions of neurons and their connections, which cannot be fully represented by binary code alone.

4. How does the brain process and interpret binary code?

The brain does not directly process or interpret binary code, as it is a man-made language used by machines. However, the brain is capable of understanding and using technology that runs on binary code, such as computers and smartphones. This is because the brain has the ability to adapt and learn new skills and languages.

5. Are there any ethical implications of using 1s and 0s in understanding the human mind?

There are ongoing ethical debates surrounding the use of technology and AI in understanding and manipulating the human mind. Some argue that it could lead to loss of privacy and individuality, while others believe it has the potential to improve and enhance human capabilities. It is important for scientists and researchers to consider these implications and ethical concerns when studying the relationship between 1s and 0s and the human mind.

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