Let's Make a Story with Four Words Per Post

  • Thread starter JamesU
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In summary, Speedo accidentally burned his snowshoes, but still managed to take the helicopter and the dolphin princesses to France.
  • #1
Gold Member
this has probably been done before, but ayway...

I'll start off a story with four words. the next person who posts will continue the story with 4 more words and so on. I'll start:

there once was a...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yep, it's been tried before and got pretty lame pretty quickly, but I'm willing to give it another try.

...Tiger named Speedo, who...
  • #3
...decided he woul try...
  • #4
to kill Evil Bob
  • #5
but instead, he decided...
  • #6
...to tickle him with...

(Edited because yomamma was too fast.)
  • #7
a feather from a
  • #8
danger bird. then he...
  • #9
...skipped away to see...

(Hint: folks are going to have to use punctuation and capitalization properly if we're going to keep track of where sentences begin and end.)
  • #10
the danger bird named
  • #11
pulled out his stungun...
  • #12
...and aimed it...

edited for length
  • #13
at the evil Bob
  • #14
(Not part of the story...what the heck sort of name is "pulled out a stungun" for a bird!? :smile: Shall we pause until some folks catch up? This is a tough type of thread to keep going when lots of people are around.)
  • #15
.But then, Bob said
  • #16
(Well, if nobody wants to edit anything, I guess we can proceed.)

...that bird doesn't scare...
  • #17
Guys, 4 words is too short to have a coherent story line. Let's make it 1-2 sentences, at least.
  • #18
6 words is the highest I'm going

me, said speedo. and suddenly, a...
  • #19
Evo said:
Guys, 4 words is too short to have a coherent story line. Let's make it 1-2 sentences, at least.

Here here.
  • #20
Evo said:
Guys, 4 words is too short to have a coherent story line. Let's make it 1-2 sentences, at least.
That also makes it a tad more resistant to the grammatically challenged. :rolleyes:
  • #21
...large dolphin flying a black helicopter...

(it's always a bad idea to end your sentence with 'suddenly'...)
  • #22
that was stolen from
  • #23
...a Polish superspy.
  • #24
The next day I looked up...
  • #25
and saw a giant
  • #26
4 word post that's to be 6.
  • #27
..., white cumulus cloud at low altitude...
  • #28
and went inside. then he...
  • #29
Is this story supposed to make any sense? :rolleyes:
  • #31
  • #32
yomamma said:
and went inside. then he...
burned his snowshoes
  • #33
there once was a...
..Tiger named Speedo, who...
decided he woul try...
to kill Evil Bob
but instead, he decided...
...to tickle him with...
a feather from a
danger bird. then he...
...skipped away to see...
the danger bird named
pulled out his stungun...
...and aimed it...
at the evil Bob
.But then, Bob said
that bird doesn't scare...
me, said speedo. and suddenly, a...
...large dolphin flying a black helicopter...
that was stolen from
a Polish superspy.
The next day I looked up...
and saw a giant
white cumulus cloud at low altitude...
and went inside. then he...

opened the door to get some fresh air. The large Polish dolphin superspy fell through the cloud and landed on top of Evil Bob. Speedo saw his chance to atttack and...
  • #34
No. No, he burned his snowshoes.

Speedo saw his chance to attack and...
burned his snowshoes too (accidentally). But before long...
  • #35
the large Polish dolphin superspy regained consciousness. "Where is my flying black helecopter!", vociferated the large Polish dolphin superspy as he wiped a clump of bird dung out of his lazy eye..
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