Can a bipyramidal figure be achieved with 5 points on a sphere?

In summary, the conversation discusses finding a layout for a given number of points on a sphere where each point is equivalent and the average distance between points is maximized. It is mentioned that for five points, the only possible layout found so far is a pentagon, but the speaker asks if there is a better one. The idea of a double tetrahedron is suggested, but ultimately rejected due to the unequal distances between points. It is then stated that there are only five possible arrangements for a given number of points that satisfy the criteria, known as the Platonic solids. The speaker also mentions that there are at least two arrangements for every even number of points and suggests using a bipyramidal figure for a higher average distance between points
  • #1
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Say you have a sphere, and n points to place on it. You want each of the points to be equivalent to the others if you allow relabeling and the average distance between points should be as great as possible. Essentially the most spread out 'fair' distribution of points when no point is special compared to the others.

For example: when n = 4, the points would be the vertices of a tetrahedron. When n = 6, the points would be the centers of the faces of a cube. When n = 3 the points would be the vertices of a triangle.

My question is: with 5 points, the only possible layout I have found is the vertices a pentagon. Is there a better one?
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  • #2
Have you considered the five vertices of a double tetrahedron?
  • #3
I don't think a double tetrahedron will work. The three points at the joining point have all the other points equidistant from them, but the two points away from it do not.


1 is further away from 5 than any point is from 4, therefore no relabeling can make 1 equivalent to 4. However, this may not be true if we take arc length into account (which is what really matters in this case) or move 1 and 5 closer together... but I have no experience with this type of geometry.
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  • #4
Based on your rejection of the double tetrahedron, there is no arrangement of five points (or almost any value of N) other than planar that satisfies your criteria. The exceptions are the vertices of the convex regular polyhedra. There are only five convex regular polyhedra, aka the Platonic solids: the regular tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron.
  • #5
D H said:
Based on your rejection of the double tetrahedron, there is no arrangement of five points (or almost any value of N) other than planar that satisfies your criteria. The exceptions are the vertices of the convex regular polyhedra. There are only five convex regular polyhedra, aka the Platonic solids: the regular tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron.

I assumed this might happen. However, I do know there are at least two arrangements for every even number of points. Just make two parallel (n/2)-gons out of the points (the n=6 and n=8 solutions examples of this). This will have a higher average distance than the simple n-gon. There's also the trivial "all points at the same spot" solution, haha.
  • #6
From what I know about molecular geometry, what you are looking for is a bipyramidal figure, where you basically have two superposed tetrahedron.

FAQ: Can a bipyramidal figure be achieved with 5 points on a sphere?

1. What is the significance of "5 Points on a Sphere" in science?

The concept of "5 Points on a Sphere" is important in several fields of science, including mathematics, astronomy, and physics. It involves finding the minimum number of points needed to uniquely determine a sphere, which has practical applications in navigation, mapping, and 3D modeling.

2. How do you calculate the coordinates of "5 Points on a Sphere"?

The coordinates of "5 Points on a Sphere" can be calculated using a mathematical formula known as the "five-point formula". This formula takes into account the distances between the points and the radius of the sphere to determine the coordinates of each point.

3. Can "5 Points on a Sphere" be applied to real-world scenarios?

Yes, the concept of "5 Points on a Sphere" has many real-world applications. For example, it can be used in GPS systems to determine one's location on the surface of the Earth, in geodesy to map the shape of the Earth, and in computer graphics to create 3D models.

4. What is the relationship between "5 Points on a Sphere" and the Platonic solids?

There is a close relationship between "5 Points on a Sphere" and the Platonic solids, which are regular 3D shapes with identical faces and angles. In fact, the five points on a sphere correspond to the vertices of the dodecahedron, one of the five Platonic solids.

5. Are there any limitations or exceptions to "5 Points on a Sphere"?

While the "5 Points on a Sphere" concept is generally applicable, there are some exceptions and limitations. For example, if the five points are all located on the same great circle of the sphere, then they cannot be used to uniquely determine the sphere. Additionally, the formula may not work for distorted or irregularly shaped spheres.
