CO2 and Temperature Correlation in Past Climate Reconstructions

In summary, Last year saw several publications about the climate of the past, including a reconstruction of global temperatures in the last 2000 years and a CO2 reconstruction based on stomata variation. The correlation between CO2 levels and temperature is still debated, with some arguing that CO2 concentration controls temperature while others point to independent variations in both. The role of CO2 forcing during the period between 1000 to 1500 is also a topic of discussion, with some data suggesting its significance while others argue it is insignificant. The reliability of ice core data versus plant stomatal data in measuring historic CO2 levels is also a point of contention. Ultimately, the data produced by different studies must be compared and analyzed to draw conclusions about the relationship
  • #1
Last year saw several publications about the climate of the past. I call to the stand, about a reconstruction of the global temperatures in the last 2000 years and about a CO2 reconstruction based on stomata variation, reacting on CO2 levels in the period 1000-1500 AD.

This is how they correlate:


Who would want to conclude that the CO2 concentration controls the temperature?
Earth sciences news on
  • #2
Ah reality wrong, assumptions right.

Not the point. The point is that there was independent variation both in CO2 and temperature. Mind that the enormous dynamic flux of CO2 between atmosphere and with the ocean dwarfs everything else. Some changes there in flows could have a big impact on that balance.
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  • #3

Read the van Hoof paper carefully!.

Their conclusion is that if anything the role of CO2 forcing should not be ignored during the period between 1000 to 1500.

CO2 fluctuations from the Antarctica ice cores (in particular Law Dome) are not as great as they are when measured from plant stomata. However, when global CO2 forcing are calculated using the plant data, then the forcing is on the same order of magnitude as that from Solar. However, if we use the ice core data, then CO2 forcing is insignificant.

Examine Figure 1 E carefully and answer this question:

Should we use the red or blue line for CO2 forcing?

Is ice core data more reliable than plant stomatal for measuring historic CO2 levels?
  • #4
It's not about the opinion of the writers; it's the data that they produce; and the data that others produce and the confrontation of one data set with another. Then you can make your own observations.

Ice core data are also subject to some problems, like the gas age - ice age difference, to open firn-ice above 80 meters works as a low bypass filter, smooting out higher frequency variations.

Red and blue line, according to the publication, are the high/low sensitivity borders.
  • #5
Examine Figure 1 E carefully and answer this question:

Should we use the red or blue line for CO2 forcing?
  • #6
Xnn said:
answer this question:

Red herring You are not to toss me around :mad: in an attempt to divert from the main problem. Things don't add up.

You can answer the question yourself.
  • #7
Andre said:
Things don't add up.

A straw man argument about the role of CO2 in global warming.

Read the Van Hoff paper.
  • #8
I think you're right Andre; there is no way of knowing whether CO2 levels contribute to warming in an open ended system as ours. If it is warming; it's about time since in the not too distant past it seems we had a homogenous temperate climate. Everywhere from the Antartic to Siberia has tropical vegetation buried in its permafrost. Something cataclysmic happened and perhaps only now are we beginning to see recovery.
  • #9
"Not the point. The point is that there was independent variation both in CO2 and temperature. Mind that the enormous dynamic flux of CO2 between atmosphere and with the ocean dwarfs everything else. Some changes there in flows could have a big impact on that balance."

Thank you for bringing this up. I saw the logic and I am glad that I am not the only one.
  • #10
Could have, might have, could maybe possibly have an impact. An enormous one by chance these variations are symptomatic indicators of the same.
  • #11
Andre said:
It's not about the opinion of the writers; it's the data that they produce; and the data that others produce and the confrontation of one data set with another. Then you can make your own observations.
And how do propose we make our own observations? Are we supposed to eyeball Fourier transforms and correlation coefficients?

FAQ: CO2 and Temperature Correlation in Past Climate Reconstructions

1. What is a climate test?

A climate test is a scientific method used to analyze and predict the potential impacts of various actions and policies on the Earth's climate. It involves collecting and analyzing data on climate patterns, atmospheric conditions, and other relevant factors to determine the potential effects of a proposed action on the environment.

2. Why is a climate test important?

A climate test is important because it allows scientists to make informed decisions about how certain actions or policies may impact the Earth's climate. It helps identify potential risks and benefits and can inform policymakers on how to make more sustainable and environmentally-friendly decisions.

3. Who conducts a climate test?

A climate test is typically conducted by a team of scientists and researchers who have expertise in fields such as climatology, atmospheric science, ecology, and environmental science. These experts use specialized tools and models to gather and analyze data and make predictions about the potential impacts of a proposed action on the climate.

4. What type of actions or policies can be tested using a climate test?

A climate test can be used to analyze a wide range of actions and policies, including infrastructure projects, energy policies, land use changes, and transportation plans. It can also be used to assess the potential impacts of natural disasters, such as hurricanes or wildfires, on the environment.

5. How accurate are the predictions made by a climate test?

The accuracy of predictions made by a climate test depends on the quality and quantity of data used, the expertise of the scientists conducting the test, and the complexity of the proposed action or policy. While it is not possible to predict the exact outcome, a climate test can provide valuable insights and help identify potential risks and benefits of a proposed action on the environment.
