Max Size for a Slingshot to Launch Ball into Space

  • Thread starter SAZAR
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In summary, the most suitable elastic material known today (in terms of elastic properties, the way it's applied and the manufacture of it), would need to be at least theoretically speaking, huge in order to fire a projectile (a steel ball of any diameter you find suitable) so it exits the Earth's gravitic pull and ends up in space.
  • #1
If you use the most suitable elastic material known today (in terms of elastic properties, the way it's applied and the manufacture of it), how huge (at least theoreticaly speaking) should sligshot be in order to be able to fire a projectile (a steel ball of any diameter you find suitable) so it exits the Earth's gravitic pull (end-up in space)?

(now I imagine two tall buildings and some rubber hoses between them streached to the ground pointing upward...)
Physics news on
  • #2
Until thinkers any velocity that could launch an object into a stable orbit. Not because there's no way to give sufficient thrust, but because of the angle involved. If you simply launch an object on a bolus to trajectory upward from the ground, that object's orbit will be an ellipse which passes through the same point from which was launched, and at the same angle. This would mean that your project that would have to come up through the ground.
  • #3
You watched the Mythbusters "Border Slingshot" episode, didn't you.
  • #4
kleinjahr said:
You watched the Mythbusters "Border Slingshot" episode, didn't you.

Yes, a while ago. What does it have to do with slingshoting an object into orbit?
  • #5
LURCH said:
Until thinkers any velocity that could launch an object into a stable orbit. Not because there's no way to give sufficient thrust, but because of the angle involved. If you simply launch an object on a bolus to trajectory upward from the ground, that object's orbit will be an ellipse which passes through the same point from which was launched, and at the same angle. This would mean that your project that would have to come up through the ground.

Heh, this is interesting:

...I just wanted to know the THEORETICAL numbers for the good-old slingshot (i.e. how big and how elastic must it be to "take care" of the atmosphere-friction, gravity, type of material for the ball and all other parameters (also concerning geometrical aspect you've pointed-out)) that's all...
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  • #6
The whole point of my post was to show that there are no solutions come even theoretical ones, to that one aspect of the problem. You are quite right in seeing the other problems (of atmospheric friction, gravity, and the mass of the object being launched) as a simple question of numbers. These are all questions of how much force must be generated. However, no amount of additional force solves the geometry problem.

Now, I'm off to look up some data on the elasticity of various materials, to see if I can find out what it would take to overcome the solvable parts of the problem.
  • #7
How about a series of nested slingshots, so that the payload of the first slingshot is itself a slingshot that only fires its projectile after it has reached a certain velocity? Upper stage slingshots could be tilted slightly to the direction of motion to solve the geometry problem.

Otherwise, since the projectile can never travel faster than the elastic material, and I doubt that could even go supersonic, a single stage slingshot could never orbit anything.

Sure, chemical rockets would be far more efficient, but a nested slingshot system would look cool, in a geeky Rube Goldberg kind of way.
  • #8
i just have a question. how many degrees must the ball be shot to gain maximum length at ground level. like: if you shoot it 80 degrees it will go high, but not long. if you shoot it 10 degrees it will go fast forward a little while before it hitthe ground not so far away. what is the best degrees to shoot it?
  • #9
Bob3141592 said:
How about a series of nested slingshots, so that the payload of the first slingshot is itself a slingshot that only fires its projectile after it has reached a certain velocity? Upper stage slingshots could be tilted slightly to the direction of motion to solve the geometry problem.

Otherwise, since the projectile can never travel faster than the elastic material, and I doubt that could even go supersonic, a single stage slingshot could never orbit anything.

Sure, chemical rockets would be far more efficient, but a nested slingshot system would look cool, in a geeky Rube Goldberg kind of way.

"Nesting" is possible, and is certainly used in accelerator designs. I once wondered whether it would be possible to launch a 1-ounce weight into orbit using some elaborate nesting technique with " a slingshot"

I found that the accelerative potential is doubled while the force is reduced in HALF on each "nesting" stage. There are other designs, but the "doubling" is most useful in analysis.

Anyway, through gross calculations, I found that in order to accelerate a 1-ounce projectile to 17,500 mph would require the initial stage of the "slingshot" to have a mass-volume equal to that of a very large home.

Expensive, impratical, and could you imagine the internal heat generated! Likely, the primary stage(the size of a house) would severely disintegrate from internal heat during contraction.
  • #10
Bob3141592 said:
How about a series of nested slingshots,
NICE! Even better, we could put a nuke in-between each of the nested slingshots, so expanding gas could propel the nested slingshots. :eek: Okay, maybe taking the far-fetchedness a bit too far. :blushing: o:)
  • #11
Jarle said:
i just have a question. how many degrees must the ball be shot to gain maximum length at ground level. like: if you shoot it 80 degrees it will go high, but not long. if you shoot it 10 degrees it will go fast forward a little while before it hitthe ground not so far away. what is the best degrees to shoot it?

Exactly 45o should give you your best results. This devides your thrust exactly "50-50" between gaining altitude and moving downrange.
  • #12
Mk said:
NICE! Even better, we could put a nuke in-between each of the nested slingshots, so expanding gas could propel the nested slingshots. :eek: Okay, maybe taking the far-fetchedness a bit too far. :blushing: o:)

The nukes are a lot more practical than the sling-shots :-). See for instance "project Orion".

is one web reference among many.

Of course, this would not be a very enviromentally friendly way to launch objects from the Earths' surface. But it's probably technically more feasible than a slingshot.
  • #13
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  • #14
Farsight said:
How about a very, very, very large trebuchet?

It's got a sling. And it shoots things into the air!

Unfortunately, this page was marred by a vandal (a disadvantage to Wikipedia being completely open.)

Action of the trebuchet.
"Parag Vyas is actually the highlander, and in fact invented the trebuchet in the medieval era. Initially the projectiles used in the trebuchet were poopy popsicles, intended to confuse and disenfranchise an opposing army or fortress."

- Bob Clark
  • #15
Why didn't you remove it? (I have done it now, don't worry; incidentally this is one of the advantages of Wikipedia being completely open).
  • #16
Bob3141592 said:
How about a series of nested slingshots...

Principle of action and reaction (what would go further, a ball (forward) or a slingshot (backwards))?

Bob3141592 said:
Sure, chemical rockets would be far more efficient, but a nested slingshot system would look cool, in a geeky Rube Goldberg kind of way.

Why "geeky"? It's obvious that Rube Goldberg's "inventions" are just jokes and nothng more...
  • #17
LURCH said:
Exactly 45o should give you your best results. This devides your thrust exactly "50-50" between gaining altitude and moving downrange.

My first thought exactly, but what about movement of the Earth?
Heh... :smile:
  • #18
pervect said:
The nukes are a lot more practical than the sling-shots :-).

Of course, this would not be a very enviromentally friendly way to launch objects from the Earths' surface.

...But it doesn't matter in space (you launch such space vehicle (or its parts) classicaly, and than employ the nuclear propilsion when in space).

I think that it's the only realistic way to move around in the Space. (a huge amount of energy is stored in a relatively small package; excelent (and - it's the only type of fuel avaliable (simpliest achievable at least) in non-organic world))

...Is there another way at all? (having in mind that when you exit the solar system there's no energy from the Sun - you freeze like... nothing)

  • #19
LURCH said:
Until thinkers any velocity that could launch an object into a stable orbit. Not because there's no way to give sufficient thrust, but because of the angle involved. If you simply launch an object on a bolus to trajectory upward from the ground, that object's orbit will be an ellipse which passes through the same point from which was launched, and at the same angle. This would mean that your project that would have to come up through the ground.

It's easy to imagine an object with an aerodynamic shape which would sufficiently curve the trajectory. It would just take more energy.

Another solution would be to fire it hard enough to swing it around the moon :smile:

FAQ: Max Size for a Slingshot to Launch Ball into Space

1. What is the maximum size for a slingshot to launch a ball into space?

The maximum size for a slingshot to launch a ball into space is not a set number as it depends on various factors such as the weight of the ball, the strength of the slingshot material, and the angle of launch. However, a larger slingshot will have a greater potential to launch a ball into space compared to a smaller one.

2. Can a slingshot really launch a ball into space?

Yes, a slingshot can theoretically launch a ball into space. However, the height and distance achieved will vary based on the strength of the slingshot and other factors such as air resistance and gravity. It is not a reliable method for space launch and is not used by any professional space agencies.

3. What type of material is best for a slingshot to launch a ball into space?

The ideal material for a slingshot to launch a ball into space would be something strong and lightweight, such as carbon fiber or titanium. These materials have a high strength-to-weight ratio, making them ideal for creating a powerful slingshot. However, the material alone does not determine the success of a space launch using a slingshot.

4. How does the angle of launch affect the success of a slingshot launch into space?

The angle of launch plays a crucial role in the success of a slingshot launch into space. A higher angle of launch will result in a greater height and distance achieved, but it also requires more force and energy to overcome the Earth's gravity. A lower angle of launch may not achieve as much height, but it requires less force and energy to launch the ball.

5. Are there any risks involved in attempting to launch a ball into space using a slingshot?

Yes, there are several risks involved in attempting to launch a ball into space using a slingshot. The high amount of force and energy required for a successful launch can put a strain on the slingshot and may cause it to break or malfunction. There is also a risk of injury if the slingshot is not handled properly. Additionally, the ball may not reach a high enough altitude to be considered as reaching space, and it may also pose a threat to any aircraft in its path.

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