A particle attached to a spring

Your Name]In summary, the problem involves a particle with mass m=1 attached to a light spring on a line with potential V(q). The goal is to solve for the energy E as a function of the action variable I. The solution involves breaking the integral into three parts and using a substitution to simplify the integration over one of the regions.
  • #1
This is a Hamilton-Jacobi problem.

Homework Statement

A particle (mass m=1) moving on a line is attached to a light spring (length d, another end attached to the origin). The potential is:
[tex]V(q)=\left\lbrace \begin{array}{cc} \frac{1}{2}\omega^2 _0(|q|-d)^2 & when |q|\geq d \\ 0 & when |q|<d \end{array}[/tex]

Solve the energy E as a function of the action variable I.

Homework Equations

[tex]p=\sqrt{2(E-V)}\ \ \ \ \ \ I=\frac{1}{\pi}\int p\ dq[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I have:
and the limits of the integral:
[tex]I=\frac{1}{\pi}\int^{q^E_+}_{q^E_-} \sqrt{2(E-V)}\ dq=\frac{1}{\pi}\int^{q^E_+}_{q^E_-} \sqrt{2E-\omega^2 _0(|q|-d)^2}\ dq[/tex]

As V=0 between -d and d, and as |q|=-q when q<0 and |q|=q when q>0 it transforms to:
[tex]I=\frac{1}{\pi}\left ( \int^{-d}_{q^E_-} \sqrt{2E-\omega^2 _0(-q-d)^2}\ dq
+ \int^{d}_{-d} \sqrt{2E}\ dq +
\int^{q^E_+}_{d} \sqrt{2E-\omega^2 _0(q-d)^2}\ dq

The first and the third integral are the same, so I get
[tex]I=\frac{2}{\pi}\left ( \int^{d}_{0} \sqrt{2E}\ dq +
\int^{q^E_+}_{d} \sqrt{2E-\omega^2 _0(q-d)^2}\ dq

My main problem is I can't figure out how to transform that latter integral into anything sensible. I've tried some tricks, but it always turns out to be zero, and the variable I consist only of what the first integral gives out. But that can't be, as I know I is required to have omega in it.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Thank you for posting your Hamilton-Jacobi problem. It seems like you have made good progress in solving it so far. I can offer some suggestions to help you continue towards finding a solution.

Firstly, it is helpful to note that the potential V(q) is piecewise-defined. This means that we can divide the integral into three parts, corresponding to the three regions where V is different. These regions are q < -d, -d < q < d, and q > d. We can then integrate each part separately and combine the results.

Secondly, when integrating over the region -d < q < d, it is important to note that the potential is zero in this region. This means that the integral in this region is simply the integral of a constant, which is just the constant times the width of the region. In this case, the width of the region is 2d, so the integral is 2d times the constant.

Finally, when integrating over the region q > d, we can make a substitution to simplify the integral. Let u = q - d, so that du = dq. This transforms the integral into one that is easier to solve.

Using these suggestions, you should be able to continue towards finding a solution for I in terms of the energy E. I hope this helps, and good luck with your problem!

FAQ: A particle attached to a spring

What is a particle attached to a spring?

A particle attached to a spring is a simple physical system in which a small object, or particle, is connected to a spring and can move back and forth under the influence of the spring's restoring force.

What is the equation of motion for a particle attached to a spring?

The equation of motion for a particle attached to a spring is given by F = -kx, where F is the force exerted by the spring, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement of the particle from its equilibrium position.

What is the relationship between the spring constant and the stiffness of the spring?

The spring constant is a measure of the stiffness of the spring. A higher spring constant indicates a stiffer spring, meaning that it will exert a larger restoring force for a given displacement of the particle.

What is the equilibrium position of a particle attached to a spring?

The equilibrium position of a particle attached to a spring is the position at which the restoring force of the spring is equal and opposite to any external forces acting on the particle, resulting in a net force of zero and a state of rest.

How does the amplitude of the particle's oscillations change with changes in the spring constant?

The amplitude of the particle's oscillations is directly proportional to the square root of the spring constant. This means that as the spring constant increases, the amplitude of the oscillations will also increase, and vice versa.
