A question about ordered set and cofinality

  • Thread starter prophetlmn
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In summary, the conversation discusses the proof of the fact that every totally ordered set contains a cofinal well-ordered subset. The speaker is reading Halmos's Navie set theory and is having trouble constructing such a subset. The lemma provided by Halmos seems like a useful tool, but the speaker encounters some problems with its direct application. They suggest constructing a subset by considering a specific element in the set and using choice functions. However, they are unsure if this approach is correct. They also mention using Zorn's lemma to solve the problem. Overall, the conversation explores different methods to prove the fact, including the use of Halmos's lemma, choice functions, and Zorn's lemma.
  • #1
How to prove that 'every totally ordered set X contains a cofinal well-ordered subset'?
I'm reading Halmos's Navie set theory,this is an excersice in the chapter 'well-ordering'.
According to Halmos( in the same chapter),if a set C cotains well-orderd sets,and it is a chain respect to continuation,then there exists an unique set U,which is the union of sets in C: U is well-orderd,and U is a contunuation of every set in C.
this lemma seems like the tool needed to construct such a subset.but i met some problems here.
The set A={s(x),x belong to X} is a chain respect to continuation ,but s(x) is not well ordered.
the set Ax= {x,f(x),ff(x),...} (where f is a chioce function on X-s(x))is well ordered,but the family {Ax} seems not like a chain respect to continuation here.
in those cases,Halmos's lemma could not be used directly both. I try to construct some kind of subset of s(x),keep well-orderd,and their famliy forms a chain.for example,take some 'a ' belong to X,just consider the set X-s(a),and let Ax={a,x1,x2,x3,...,x}where xn comes from the chioce function on the set {a<y<x},it's obvious Ax is well ordered,for z>x, Az={a,z1,z2,z3,...,z},but we could refomulate Az as the union of Ax and some set B,B contains the values of choice function on s(z)-s(x),it then seems that Az is a continuation of Ax.
but between x and z there would be infinite many other elements of X.I'm not sure whether the construction on Az is suitable.If it makes sense,then we just take the union of all Ax,and get a well ordered set,this set is obvious cofinal(it's a continuation of all Ax)
Maybe I'm totally wrong on the beginning,the real proof need not halmos' lemma or choice functions.But i havn't got other methods yet,i'm still not sure about this.
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  • #2
i've solved this problem by apply zorn's lemma instead of use AC directly.consider the set of well ordered sets of X,by Halmos' lemma every chain (respect to continuation)in it has an upper bound,so it has an maximal element.this maximal element is cofinal.
does anyone knows other methods?for example by AC.

FAQ: A question about ordered set and cofinality

1. What is an ordered set?

An ordered set is a mathematical structure consisting of a set of elements with a relation defined on them. The relation, usually denoted by <, determines the order of the elements in the set.

2. What is the difference between a finite and an infinite ordered set?

A finite ordered set has a specific number of elements, while an infinite ordered set has an unlimited number of elements. In other words, a finite ordered set has an upper bound on the number of elements that can be contained within it, while an infinite ordered set does not.

3. What is the importance of cofinality in ordered sets?

Cofinality is a measure of the "size" of an infinite ordered set. It represents the smallest number of elements that need to be combined to form the set. In other words, it describes how quickly the set grows as you add more elements to it. Cofinality is an important concept in set theory and has applications in various areas of mathematics, including topology and analysis.

4. How is cofinality related to the concept of limit in calculus?

In calculus, the limit of a function describes the behavior of the function as the input approaches a certain value. Similarly, in ordered sets, cofinality describes the behavior of the set as it grows infinitely. This notion of approaching a limit can be applied to both finite and infinite sets, making cofinality a useful tool in understanding limits in calculus.

5. Can cofinality be used to compare the "sizes" of different infinite ordered sets?

Yes, cofinality can be used to compare the "sizes" of different infinite ordered sets. However, it is important to note that cofinality is just one measure of the size of an infinite set and cannot fully capture its complexity. Other measures, such as cardinality, may also be used to compare the sizes of infinite sets.
